English - Publishing Podcasting

Unit of Study: Publishing Podcasting
Brief Description: Testing one…two…is this thing on? Do you have the gift of the gab? Have you ever thought about starting your own podcast? In this unit, students will plan, rehearse and record their own podcast. They will investigate an issue they are passionate about, learn how to write an engaging script and then communicate it to others
In Term 2, you will be exploring a range of podcasts that reflect the experiences of different groups of people and discussing, analysing and evaluating the effectiveness of different mediums. Students will also be writing their own podcasts and learning about effective script writing techniques.
Scaffolding Learning
At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have:
An understanding of key knowledge
- Students will develop an understanding of what constitutes an author’s message.
- Students will gain the ability to challenge preconceived ideas and attitudes about different types of texts.
- Students will gain the ability/tools/language needed to explore and analyse the structure, language and form of differing text types.
- Students will develop an understanding of how to structure an argument to persuade (and how to entertain an audience).
- Students will develop an understanding of how to target a spoken piece to a specific audience.
Attained these key skills
- Students will be able to analyse structure of texts including poetry, songs etc.
- Students will be able to experiment with writing and analysing language, structure and forms in texts.
- Students will be able to structure an extended response using correct metalanguage.
- Students will develop skills in public speaking, script writing and speaking performance.
- Students will be able to analyse a point of view and analyse how it targets a specific audience.
- Students will be able to write and perform an engaging podcast.
Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities
- Reading & Viewing
- Language for interaction: (VCELA457)
- Text structure and organisation: (VCELA458)
- Expressing and developing ideas: (VCELA459)
- Literature and context: (VCELT460)
- Responding to literature: (VCELT461), (VCELT461), (VCELT462)
- Examining literature: (VCELT463), (VCELT464), (VCELT465)
- Texts in context: (VCELY466)
- Interpreting, analysing, evaluating: (VCELY467), (VCELY469)
- Writing
- Text structure and organisation: (VCELA470), (VCELA471)
- Expressing and Developing Ideas: (VCELA473), (VCELA474)
- Phonics and word knowledge: (VCELA475)
- Speaking & Listening
- Language variation and change: (VCELA482)
- Language for interaction: (VCELA483)
- Interacting with others: (VCELY485), (VCELY486)
Assessment Tasks
Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:
- An analysis and deconstruction of a selected text
- An analysis of the language/argument used in a selected podcast
- A script/podcast
Additional learning opportunities
- Poetry in Action Incursion
- SLAM Poetry Competition
- Workbook, pens and highlighters
- A text will be required to be purchased by families
This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.