Art/Tech - Music Performance

Subject Name: Music
Unit of Study: Music Performance
Brief Description: Embark on a thrilling musical journey in the Music Performance class. Explore diverse genres, collaborate with fellow musicians, and create captivating performances. Develop a strong foundation in theory and notation while enhancing your musical knowledge. Hone your ensemble skills and showcase your talents while experiencing the joy of music-making.
Scaffolding Learning
At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have:
An understanding of key knowledge
- Musicianship skills used by performers to realise works and to create character in performance, such as aural awareness and sensitivity, creativity, theoretical knowledge and interaction with other performers.
- Understand the structure of the works and how the composer/arranger/performer has used elements of music and compositional devices to create meaning.
- Know the context of the works; for example, style, influences, historical and contemporary performance conventions, score, transcription or chart.
Attained these key skills
- Musicianship skills used by performers to realise works and to create character in performance, such as aural awareness and sensitivity, creativity, theoretical knowledge and interaction with other performers.
- Learn, practise, interpret and rehearse a program of group and solo works.
- Ensemble and performance skills.
- Apply musicianship skills in performance to realise the structure and expressive qualities of the works.
Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities
- Experiment with elements of music, in isolation and in combination, using listening skills, voice, instruments and technologies to find ways to create and manipulate effects. (VCAMUE033)
- Develop music ideas through improvisation, composition and performance, combining and manipulating the elements of music. (VCAMUE034)
- Create, practise and rehearse music to develop listening, compositional and technical and expressive performance skills. (VCAMUM035)
- Structure compositions by combining and manipulating the elements of music and using notation. (VCAMUM036)
- Rehearse and perform to audiences in different settings and contexts, a range of music they have learnt or composed, using techniques and expression appropriate to style. (VCAMUP037)
- Analyse composers’ use of the elements of music and stylistic features when listening to and interpreting music. (VCAMUR038)
- Identify and connect specific features and purposes of music from contemporary and past times to explore viewpoints and enrich their music making. (VCAMUR039)
Assessment Tasks
Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:
- Solo Performance
- Group Performance
- Aural and Theory Test
Additional learning opportunities
- Performances
- Music Exercise Book
- Musicianship and Aural Training for the Secondary School - Level 2 Deborah Smith
- Laptop
This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.