Principal's Address

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to our Week 5 newsletter. It is hard to believe that we are halfway through Term 3 already. Time sure flies when you are learning and having fun. It is only a matter of weeks until the Years 3-6 camp to Sydney and Canberra. The students have a daily countdown in the classroom which is quickly growing smaller. All Year 3-6 parents should have received an email this week with a few important reminders. If you have any questions or concerns about camp please email, call or drop into the office.
This term has been particularly busy with many athletics carnivals. Last week we had several students attend the Tara and District athletics carnival. Congratulations to Douglas, Josie, Connor, Tameera, Caleb, and Luella who participated and represented Moonie State School admirably.
Last week was a very busy week which started with an excursion to Toowoomba where we visited the Cobb and Co Museum. Here we learnt about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and ways of working. This learning continued in the Year 3-6 classroom as we learnt about the sustainability of traditional Aboriginal crops and how they used seeds to make bread. We then made our own bread called damper which was enjoyed by all.
Later in the week the Prep students celebrated 100 days of school by counting to 100 many times as they organised their party food. The whole school was very happy that the Prep students were celebrating as we all got to join in on the party.
Principal Award
The Principal Award for the last 2 weeks goes to Ellijah Treffen. When working in the 3-6 room he was able to show case what a wonderful reader he is. Congratulations Ellijah.
Tara Cluster Principal Meeting
This week, on Wednesday we will have all principals from the Tara Cluster meeting at Moonie State School. The Tara cluster of principals have been nominated for a Showcase Award and we will be filming a vignette involving some of the students and principals. I have sent home some consent forms. This is a great opportunity to showcase our amazing school across the state.
School Led Review
The School Led Review will now take place in Week 2 Term 4.
As we all know good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity. At Moonie State School we try to be as transparent as possible with our communication, but we know there is always room for improvement. An idea from a recent survey was to send home a term calendar with important dates on it. Please find attached to this newsletter a calendar for the rest of the term which includes dates for tennis lessons, camps and other events that are coming up. Thank you to the parent who suggested this idea.
If you have any questions or concerns my door, phone and email is always ready to listen.
Have a wonderful week,