
Leadership Competition

Country to Canberra’s national Leadership Competition is open for 2024 - empowering young women and non-binary people aged 15 to18 years from regional Australia to reach their leadership potential.

Winners will receive an all expenses paid trip to Canberra, where they will mingle with CEOs and politicians, receive career coaching, public speaking training, and networking opportunities to accelerate their leadership journey.

Previous winners have had private meetings with the Prime Minister and other politicians, been trained by TEDx speakers, and completed media training to appear on TV!

Is this you or someone you know? Head to to find out more!


7-10 Sport

In Week 10 of last term, 7-10 played the final round of the House Cup, where Blue 4 were crowned the champions. Congratulations to Blue 4 who finished the competition on 70 points.

The Olympics kicked off early at BCS. In week 1, students were assigned a country, designed their flag and participated in an opening ceremony. Countries then battled it out for a medal in a range of events such as team building skills, relays. showjumping and dodgeball. Congratulations to Australia who is currently leading the medal count with 4 gold medals!

Year 10 Entrepreneurs 

Our year 10 entrepreneur girls travelled to Young recently to 'soft-launch' their Hygi-Eco packs. 

Designed to assist people who are struggling with cost of living pressures and homelessness, the girls created hygiene packs for women, men and children.

Our entrepreneurs, Delilah Cross, Lilah Manges, Mylee Taylor and Finlay Shore travelled to the Community Hub in Young to showcase what they have created so far. With a generous grant from Andrew Britton on behalf of the Office of Regional Youth, the girls have been able to create 30 packs so far.

They strive to continue going out into the community to receive further feedback to improve their packs. With plans to have an official event launch later this year.


Mrs Dreverman

Exploring Early Childhood 

Students in the Exploring Early Childhood class completed their Children and Literature unit of work. Students created their own piece of literature targeted at a specific age group. The each book had a specific a theme, characters and story line in order to teach the age group an important life lesson. As part of this unit of work students visited the Boorowa Family Day Care and Kindy library lesson to read their books. Well Done, Year 12 

Mrs Golden 

Stage 5 PASS

 Students have begun their coaching unit for this term. In practical lessons, students are working in small groups to plan and deliver short skill sessions to their peers. As the term progress's students will be working on developing sessions for primary students to deliver as part of their assessment task. In theory lessons, PASS students have been researching prominent professional sporting coaches and researching the skills needed to be an effective coach at any level. 


This year’s NAIDOC Week theme allowed infant and primary students to listen to Dreamtime Stories and yarns, learn about Indigenous legends and dance as an eagle to a didgeridoo. Students listened to Adam Brigg’s book “Our Home, Our Heartbeat”, which is a celebration of past and present Indigenous legends, as well as emerging generations. The book honours the oldest continuous culture on Earth. Students were able to identify legends in their family and community.


Secondary students engaged in activities to learn about NAIDOC Week and its purpose. They learnt about Indigenous figures who have played a role in advancing the rights and recognition of their people.