Infants and Primary


Welcome to Term 3! What a great lot of fun events to look forward to coming up this term. Please keep your eyes peeled for times, dates and information in the Newsletters, on Compass and Facebook. 

It has been fantastic to meet with many of our families this week as part of our Parent/Teacher interviews. These have provided the opportunity to have a chat with your child’s teacher about their progress, successes and challenges so far this year as well as discuss any concerns you may have. If for some reason this week did not suit, please make another time with your child’s teacher by contacting the school office.

Next week we celebrate Education Week and this year’s theme is ‘Proud to belong’. We look forward to welcoming all family and friends to the many events happening at school next week. Please see more information about these events elsewhere in this newsletter and we hope to see you there!


Kindergarten students have now been at school for over 100 days! Last Thursday we celebrated this milestone by having a special ‘100’ day at school. It was great fun and very funny to see our students dressing up for the occasion – we had many 100 year old men and women, a 100 numberblock, a 101 dalmation, and others covered in numbers. There were lots of laughs all day as many of the students really ran with it, keeping us all entertained! We spent time by counting to 100 and beyond, counting how many fingers and toes in our class by 10s, doing 100 exercises, going on a number hunt with our Year 1 friends and uses all our senses to think about what we would and wouldn’t like 100 of, with lots of creative answers. 

Kindergarten are now looking ahead to the fun of Education Week next week and are especially excited to be inviting their Grandparents and special friends into the classroom next Thursday morning from 10am. This coincides with our Book Parade where students can come dressed as their favourite character and we hope to see lots and lots of family and friends at school to enjoy this with us.

Year 1

Welcome back for term 3! I have very much enjoyed hearing everyone’s stories about their holidays and look forward to the learning ahead. This term, we have Smart Drama Night in Week 9 and Year 1 cannot contain their excitement. We have planning underway for our performance. Thank you to those families who have brought in any cardboard boxes to help us in developing props.

In English this fortnight, we have been exploring a text called ‘Boy’ written by Phil Cummings. This story has allowed us to explore sign language further as the character in the text is deaf and uses ‘dancing hands’ to communicate. Year 1 engaged in some learning of sign language earlier in the year and have enjoyed the opportunity to further their knowledge. As a part of this unit, we will also briefly look at communication through braille.

In Mathematics, students have been learning about positional language as well as how to count with arrays. We have been noticing arrays in the environment and world around us and have been using arrays to count large collections of objects. This is also assisting students to access some counting with times tables. Over the next fortnight, we will be furthering our counting skills by exploring three-digit numbers.

On Friday of week 1, Year 1 engaged in some rich NAIDOC Week activities to support our understanding of the meaning of the week and explore Indigenous legends as well as sharing who else we considered as a legend. Students had some fabulous questions and insights to share with their peers on this day.

This term, Year 1 is participating in the Premier’s Sporting Challenge. We will be making sure we participate in some form of physical activity each week and fill out a logbook to track these.

Next Week is Education Week and we are becoming super excited. Please look out for invitations in your child’s bags to be sent to Grandparents and Special Friends, inviting them to come along on Thursday the 8th of August to join us for Grandparents and Special Friends Day alongside Book Week Celebrations. Included in the invitation is a note from Miss. Wood and myself, linking Grandparent’s Day to our History unit:

Please get involved in our History Project:

This term in History, our Year 1 cohort is delving into the fascinating topic of the past and present. Our focus will be on toys and games from the past, as well as what school and life were like for children. We invite you to share your invaluable memories and stories with our Year 1 class on Grandparents Day. Our students will eagerly brainstorm questions to ask you! If you have any photographs from your childhood that you could bring, we would appreciate this immensely (we will have plastic sleeves available to protect the photographs from sticky little fingers).

We look forward to welcoming you and hearing about your unique lives.


As usual, please feel free to contact me through the school if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child 

Miss Friend


We have made a very positive start to term three in the Primary classrooms. We are exploring all things OLYMPICS, as we watch daily highlights of the Aussie athletes over in Paris. We have even begun some Olympics themed PDHPE and Sport activities. It only happens once every four years, so it must be celebrated!

This term will be busy with Year 3/4 Trent Barrett Shield in Harden on August 13, the District Athletics Carnival in Cowra on August 16, Education Week in week 3, SMArt & Drama Night on 18 September and Western Athletics in Dubbo on 20 September. Plenty of other things happening also so stayed tuned to COMPASS and check school bags for notes.

We welcomed parents and carers into the K-6 classrooms this week for Parent/Teacher Interviews. It’s important to have a strong home/school connection, and if for some reason you couldn’t make a meeting time, please speak to your teacher for a check-in on your child’s semester one here at Boorowa Central School.

We are currently exploring the possibility of a Year 3-6 excursion to Sydney for term four. It will be one night and two days – stay tuned for more information.

If you require any additional information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email: 

Jason Stuart

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)

5/6 Classroom

The year 5/6 class have begun new units in English and Mathematics this fortnight. In English we are reading the third book in the ‘Kingdom’ Trilogy, and we are exploring book reviews, letter writing, narrative writing and writing in character throughout this unit. In Mathematics, we are looking at number, place value, rounding and multiplication. This is the third time we have visited this learning area this year, so we are aiming to master it. In Science, we have started a unit on electricity called ‘It’s Electrifying!’, where we explored how energy is created, maintained, spent and reserved through many different forms. We have a strong focus on the Olympics across as much of our learning as possible – which we are enjoying. Miss Wood has even begun a ‘Potato Olympics’ – proving her popularity with our class!

As always, please get in touch if you require any further information: 

Jason Stuart

5/6 Class Teacher

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)

Buddy visits to BEE Centre

Year 5 students have begun visiting the BEE Centre to get to know our future Kindy-start students. Each week a handful of Year 5 students have and will visit to play and get to know the preschoolers so that they are a friendly and familiar face when Kindy-start commences in term 4. Our Year 5 students won't be given a particular student as their ‘Buddy’ until later in the year, however they are all enjoying these visits and have had fun playing and getting to know the preschoolers. It is fantastic having these students as part of our transition program and I am very proud of the way they have quickly built positive relationships with the children and how they have represented our school out in the community over the previous fortnight, and I look forward to taking the rest of the Year 5 bunch over the coming weeks.