Last week, the students started the week off with inclusion from GV Water, where they learnt about the water cycle and what GV Water does to make our waste and water safe. They will then be able to enter a competition by writing and illustrating a book. They will be doing this in English.
The students have been working hard to learn how to read a report and find all the information to answer comprehension questions. This week and next, we will be concerned with the genre of report writing - based on facts.
The students had much enjoyment creating, decorating, and writing their message on a personalised card to Mr Ryan to show their appreciation of him in celebration of National Principals Day on Friday. Mr Ryan was absent Friday, so the students were able to give the cards to him a day early.
During Maths last week, the students enjoyed working on continuing their multiplication skills, and we are now moving into division. We have also touched on square numbers and a few algebraic equations - finding an unknown number, e.g. x +7 = 10; therefore, what does x equal? I was so happy that most students understood this concept quite quickly.
Thank you for sending your students the photos of their friends and family for RE. We are yet to use them to complete the unit of Sacred Scripture, so if you have forgotten, you still have time to find these and email them to me. This Wednesday, Colleen Hampson and I are running the Life Relationships information night from 5 - 6 pm, which should be an informative evening. On Thursday, we will join St. Joesphs school in Nagambie for the Feast Day of St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop, the founder of the Joesphites who used to work at our school and also founded our school.
On Wednesday, we have an incursion with Thrive Online—Inform and Empower. The students will learn more about CyberBullying.
We are slowly getting our school's SRC - Student Representative Council up and running. With the Grade 5 /6 students, we go through the following fortnight's events in the school's calendar, and the student then goes and informs the other students of these details. The SRC is an excellent chance for the students to develop their sense of public speaking and allows them to show themselves as leaders in the school, which also lends itself to the students having more of a voice on school issues.
I am pleased that everyone in the Grade 5/6 class is working hard to improve their understanding of the learning areas we are covering from the Victorian Curriculum, listening to each other, and collaborating effectively.
On Friday, the whole school participated in the Buddies Program - they had an excellent warm-up with stretching exercises and then played Farmer Sam. We finished off the time with relay races. The kids had fun.