This fortnight we have kept ourselves busy while Mrs Brook was away. We were fortunate enough to have Miss Ryan take the class.
We have had a few exciting events happening here at St Mary's and continue to have more thrilling events coming up. Last Friday we celebrated NAIDOC week and the shearing for kids with cancer event. It was great to work together as a school at both of these events. For many of us it was our first time in a shearing shed... The smell surprised a few of our noses!
Today we learnt a new game called maths hoops. This game involves a variety of maths problems including all the operations, statistics and odd and even numbers. We were fortunate enough to get this game from the North Melbourne football club group 'the huddle' who focus on improving education through the use of sport.
This game will be great for us to retrieve information we have already learnt and put it into action in a fun and exciting way.
On Thursday we will be joining with St Josephs Nagambie at their school to celebrate St Mary MacKillop. We look forward to visiting some of our friends we made at camp last year!