The F/1/2 class has had a busy two weeks.
The students really enjoyed the GV Water Incursion that we had come to visit. The students learned about the water cycle and how it moves through the environment. They were able to investigate the way the cycle works and worked together to create water cycle bags.
Last Thursday, we celebrated 100 days of school. The students all did an amazing job of coming dressed as 100 year olds and playing their part. As part of the day, the students also participated in a variety of activities.
In STEAM, they put their costumes to good use in their movie making. It helped add to the drama of their storyline.
In class, they also decorated biscuits, raced to 100, discussed their future and completed some investigations.
In Maths we have shifted our focus to patterns. The students have been working on investigating object and number patterns. They have worked on identifying, continuing, copying and creating patterns.
We have also been tracking the Olympic medals in Maths. This has been a great opportunity to discuss how we are ranking, tally marks and comparing quantities.
In English, we have been investigating and identifying different types of sentences. We have been learning about statements, commands, questions and exclamations. We have been connecting our sentence knowledge to our punctuation marks.
In Religion, we have continued our unit on ‘Jesus and the Scriptures’. The students have been looking at the parts of the Bible and investigating where the stories about Jesus are kept.
In the coming weeks, we have a lot of learning and events planned.
Wednesday 7th August: Flying Bookworm Excursion at P-12; Bluearth with Amalie; Wear a touch of green and gold.
Thursday 8th August: Mary MacKillop Feast Day Excursion to Nagambie.
Monday 12th August: Learning Conversations
Tuesday 13th August: Learning Conversations
Thursday 15th August: Bluearth with Jimmy
Tuesday 20th August: Book Week Dress Up Day and Excursion to the Rushworth Library.
In Maths, we will be moving into our multiplication and division unit next week. In this unit, students will focus on what multiplication and division mean. We will also look at practical situations to solve these kinds of problems.
In Phonics, we will be starting to investigate long vowel sounds and how they can be represented in different ways.