Parish News

Students Participate in the Diocesan Consultation - Phase 2
For the next few weeks, local Catholics are gathering in their communities to share how they are being followers of Jesus by helping others and the world. They are also looking at what they can do better. Mrs Ginanne invited students in the 5/6 classes to be a part of this process because their voices are important voices to be heard in our diocese.
Students shared their responses to the following two questions:
- What do you think the Catholic school and parish are doing well here in Leongatha?
- It would be even better if the Catholic school and parish here in Leongatha did the following over the next five years ...
We are thankful to the grade 5/6 students who contributed their ideas and we pray the following prayer for all parishioners taking part in this process in the near future.
Creator God
You sent your Holy Spirit to be our helper and guide.
May our eyes really see, our ears really hear, and our voices speak kindly.
May your gift of wisdom expand our thinking
and may your gift of courage help us to share our thoughts bravely and respectfully.