The Learning Zone

Stage 3 Real Talk



You may have heard from your children in Stage 1, 2 and 3 about sitting the PAT this week.


PAT is short for Progressive Achievement Test and here at St Mary of the Angels we do these assessments online for both Mathematics and Reading. The PAT approach allows educators to utilise an external tool in order to gather evidence that provides teachers with an understanding of where students are in their learning journey at a particular point in time in a specific learning area.

The Progressive Achievement approach provides reliable measures that enable a variety of interpretations about achievement and progress such as:

  • what students achieving specific levels of progression are likely to know, understand and be able to do
  • how much students have improved over time and what skills, knowledge and abilities they have been able to develop
  • how a student’s level of achievement compares with other students.

The information gained by educators from the analysis of PAT data informs next steps in teaching. The data collected allows a greater understanding students’ current strengths and weaknesses, informing teaching and learning, and enables teachers to monitor progress over time.

If you would like to read more, the link below will take you to the ACER PAT parent information site.

Theresa Grills

Leader of Pedagogy

Library News

  • Overdue books need to be returned to the library asap!
  • Please ensure your child has a library bag so they can enjoy these reads at their leisure at home! Library Bags 🤝New Books