Out and about with Mr Walsh

Welcome Back to Term 4

A warm welcome back to term 4 for our students, staff and wider school community - it has been nice to see some sunshine, warmer weather and longer days. It has been great to see our students settle back into the routines of school and hit the ground running with a settled week 1 and classes engaged in a range of different activities in and out of the classroom. Term 4 is always a very busy one in the life of our school. In addition to our day to day busy teaching and learning program we also have our Swimming program, Fresh Food Fair, Transition program for Foundation 2025, assessment and report writing, preparations for 2025 classes and end of year celebrations - phew!! We want to wish our school community all the best for the term ahead and we look forward to celebrating our student achievements and experiences each fortnight via our newsletter or at our fortnightly assemblies. We have also released a Fresh Food Fair Newsletter today that provides everything that you need to know for the 4 weeks ahead so please take the time to have a read!!


Important Dates 

Please check our dates for your diary page but below is a snapshot of the next few weeks for you. Dates and events are added throughout the year as available or confirmed:


Mon 14th -     Childwise Parent Info Session - Year 4 - 5.00-5.45pm

Tues 15th -     School Council at 5.30pm (Finance at 5.00pm)

Wed 16th -      Fresh Food Fair Cooking Day

Thu 17th -       Breakfast Club at 7.45am

                            Band - Geelong Show Performance

Fri 18th -         Assembly @ 2.30pm

Mon 21st -     SSV Regional Athletics - Qualified Students

Wed 23rd -     Geelong Cup Public Holiday - No students at school

Thu 24th -      Breakfast Club at 7.45am

Fri 25th -         World Teachers Day / Celebration Assembly @ 2.30pm

Wed 30th -     Fresh Food Fair Cooking Day

                           Foundation 2025 Information Evening 6.45-7.45pm

Thu 31st -       No Breakfast Club

                           Round 2 Coding Challenge - St Oliver Plunkett Primary School

Hats Compulsory for Term 4 & DCS Uniforms

Term 1 and term 4 are the terms that hats are compulsory for all students to be outside at recess, lunch, PE lessons and outdoor activites. This is supported by the Surfside and Department of Education Sun Smart policy. UV levels increase significantly during these terms and it is an important aspect around keeping our students safe. Students are required to wear a broad brimmed hat (caps are not ok). Students will be given a grace period in week 1 of term 4 but all students will be required to wear hats from week 2 or they will be required to be undercover during play periods and outdoor activities. Hats can be ordered from DCS UNIFORMS - CLICK LINK TO ORDER HATS HERE


Swimming and Water Safety

We are very thankful to the way our students have settled into the swimming program during week 1 and we know that the program takes a lot out of the kids - especially our preps. We look forward to our second half of the school participating from week 3 and thank the BASC staff for their organisation to allow the program to run so smoothly. A big focus of the program is on Water Safety which is essential due to the environment that we live in. Click here lo learn some more about the Victorian Water Safety Certificate that the students are working towards.

School Council - October Meeting 

Our next school council meeting will take place on Tuesday 15th October at 5:30pm with Finance meeting taking place at 5.00pm.

