Mental Health & Wellbeing Page

Snack Shack

Last term we trialled having teams of Year 5 and Year 6 students particpating in Snack Shack. Each student completes an induction and then has 4 weeks of preparing delicious treats every Tuesday and then working as part of a team to run the canteen at snack on Wednesdays.

What a lot of fun it has been!


The students have been so enthusiastic, really showing some entrepreneurial skills - setting goals, selling goods, handling money, planning their time, doing announcements, recycling and promoting Snack Shack to their peers.

Along with a few supportive parents the students also organised our first lunch. Hot Dog Day was very successful and as a result we will be trying to have a special lunch order day once per month and now need an online ordering system to cope with orders!

The Art Show also provided opportunity for the canteen to open and offer some appropriately named treats - choc canon balls, kings and queens on the cone etc..


A huge shout out to Clancey McKenzie  who has added her pizzazz and enthusiasm to this initiative.

We are planning to add sessions on nutrition and running a business in the future as we streamline this program for the students.