Primary School

As we settle into Term 4, we welcome Mr Mike Hearn and Mrs Amber Watson to our staff team. Mr Hearn has joined the team in the Acting Head of Student Experience – Extra Curricular Music Program position to cover Mrs Fiona Gibbs who is currently on maternity leave. Mr Hearn is no stranger to Echuca/Moama, having grown up in the local area before moving to Melbourne to study and work in the music industry. Michael and his wife, Anna, have returned to their roots to raise their two young sons. Interestingly, Michael learnt the drums from our highly esteemed tutor, Kevin Kiely for 6 years through Secondary School, and his wife Anna was in fact a member of the first graduating class at MAG in 2010. We also welcome Amber Watson who has joined the Education Support Staff Team. Mrs Watson brings experience of working with primary aged students in different educational settings and she will be supporting students and staff from Kindergarten to Year 3, for the remainder of this year.
Student Achievement
Earlier this term, Sophie Frazer from 4A attended an U12 NSW Basketball Jamboree program in Griffith. Sophie was selected for this program after attending a clinic in Albury earlier in the year. She played 6 games of basketball, attended training, and a girls empowerment session. Being able to participate was an awesome achievement considering Sophie is what they call a bottom age player, meaning that she will get the opportunity to be selected again next year. Well done Sophie!
Term 4 Co-Curricular Opportunities
Year 2 Sleepover
On 11 October, the Year 2 students had their sleepover. We slept in the school hall and had a great time. When we got to school at 5:30pm we set up our beds and went to help Mr Moon set up the games. After that we played some relay games and my team won. We also played Octopus. After that we had Domino's pizza and juice. We had a Super Dooper, it was delicious. Then we got ready for a movie, and we watched the new Garfield. We had a movie snack and then we kept watching the movie. After that we brushed our teeth, lights were out, and it was bedtime.
In the morning we got up, got changed and had a little chat before we packed up our beds. We had egg on toast and some fruit for breakfast. After we ate, we packed our bags up and left around 7:30am. My favourite part was watching the movie. It was the best! Thank you to all teachers for letting us have so much fun. It was a great start to the term.
Written by JJ Diss from 2B
Year 3 Camp
On Monday 14 October, 36 excited Year 3 students and 5 enthusiastic staff (Mrs Frew, Mrs Rio, Mr Bowles 'Rev', Mrs Day and Mrs Watson) travelled to Camp Kookaburra, Corop for their first ever camp. Excitement was high as we entered the camp and found out who was in the cabins! The Year 3 students played their new favourite game (GagaBall) and learnt to push themselves out of their comfort zones on the many outdoor activities. The activities included orienteering, canoeing, flying fox, bouldering and low ropes. We could not have ordered better weather - blue skies and sunshine during the entire time there. On Monday night we had a movie night and snuggled down in our sleeping bags and cuddly pillows. The meals were delicious, particularly the deserts and it was great to see the students trying new and yummy flavours, many for the first time! The Year 3 camp concluded on Tuesday when we returned to school by 2:45pm.
Learn to Swim Program
It has been a busy and exciting start to Term 4 for the Kinders. In Week 2, we headed off to the Echuca pool each day for swimming lessons. The Kinders were incredibly organised and well behaved as we navigated changing clothes, keeping track of belongings and getting on and off the bus. All swimming groups spent a half hour each day in the main pool, working with their instructors. The highlights included creating a whirlpool in the smaller pool, wearing life jackets in the deep end, and having the opportunity to jump off the diving blocks at the end. Such bravery was shown by students who had never been in the deep end, and such prowess was shown by those who regularly swim. What a wonderful experience it was for all of the students.
In Week 2, we participated in swimming every day for a week. At 12:15pm, we got on a bus, said “Hi” to Fred (the bus driver), and rushed to the back. When we arrived at the pool, we quickly laid our towels down and rushed inside. We were divided into four groups: Sharks, Sea Turtles, Starfish, and Octopus. The people in Octopus were like fish! Some students really enjoyed the whirlpool that we did at the end of Thursday and Friday lessons, while others fancied the diving competition that the Starfish group did. The water was very refreshing and cool, even though the first plunge was freezing, like Antarctica. One of the most important things we learned was Dr. ABC. Some of the letters meant D (danger), R (response), B (breathing), and if none of that works, call an ambulance.
Written by Penrose Knight and Shriya Rayas from 4B
Primary Assembly
On Friday 18 November, the Primary School community connected at the first Primary Assembly for Term 4. I would like to congratulate Oliver Knight and Alenna Coburn, our Music Captains, for confidently running the Assembly. We enjoyed a lovely performance from Violet Lew who sang ‘Back to December’ a country pop power ballad by Taylor Swift. Mr Harris shared the Term 4 Co-Curricular opportunities and Mrs Pedrana discussed the many exciting calendar events for this term.
Congratulations to the Year 3 cohort for their wonderful performance showcasing their Camp experiences through student recounts. We look forward to our next Assembly on Friday 15 November when the Kindergarten students will perform for us. Congratulations to the students below who received a Core Value Award for consistently displaying one or more of the School’s Core Values and Motto. Keep up the great work!
Siya Dadwal KA |
Mila Clydesdale KB |
Sadie Palmer 2A |
Sadie Grant 3B |
Chaz Compton 4A |
Chanel Borg 4B |
Eli Teasdale-Dohnt 5A |
Evan Aylmer 6B |
Alec Campbell 6B |
Charles Lew 6B |
Hamish McDonald 6B |
Charlie Palmer 6C |
Elka Levy KA |
Xavier Patten 1A |
Audrey Watson 3A |
Bodhi Coogan 4A |
Dawson Dinan KA |
Sybilla Knowles-Mulholland KB |
Chad Johns 1A |
Lillyan Walker 1A |
JJ Diss 2B |
Hannah Gibson 3B |
Justin Baky 4B |
Eli O'Sullivan 5A |
Darius Keam 5B |
Ava Connally 6C |
Nixon Pedrana 6C |
Shenuki Perera KA |
Isobelle Donaldson KB |
Tobias Ryan KB |
Mandela Morssinkhof 1A |
Jack Kennaugh 1B |
Ayla Knight 1B |
Wally Starritt 2A |
Trixie Knowles-Mulholland 2B |
Molly Mitchell 3A |
Chalmers-Lee Caldwell 4A |
Oliver Patten 4A |
Cleo Guinan 4B |
Isabelle Davidson 5B |
Vihara Konara 6A |
Oliver Knight 6B |
Chelsea Looney 6B |
Jobe Hosking 6C |
Year 6 Camp to Canberra
This week, our Year 6 students undertook an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $45 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
Stage 1 Assembly
Students in 2B beautifully took charge of the Stage 1 Assembly this week. They shared some highlights of their recent Sleepover at school, and they showed their excitement about the upcoming Learn to Swim program. At the end, the ‘Stars of the Week’ awards were presented to the worthy recipients. Congratulations to the students below
YEAR 1 | YEAR 2 |
Bella Michael | Layla O’Sullivan |
Harvey Simmons | Amelia Goodsell |
Mandela Morssinkhof | Emerson Wright |
Kyah Kostoglou | Kaitlin Goodsell |
Stage 2 Assembly
This week’s Stage 2 Assembly, hosted by 4A and Mrs. Tonkin, was filled with wonderful student contributions and celebrations! Year 3 students shared highlights from their recent camp, giving us a glimpse into their exciting adventures. Year 4 students provided insights into their swimming lessons and shared their learning on the text 'Callers', which they are currently exploring in class.
We were proud to recognise many students who were nominated by their peers for demonstrating outstanding citizenship qualities of kindness, compassion, integrity, respect and responsibility. Congratulations to Flynn Alder, Tahlie Clydesdale, Bodhi Coogan, Chaz Compton, Quinny Knowles-Mulholland, Isla Kennaugh, Sadie Grant, Stella James, Addison Coburn, Sienna Eacott, Harry Nichol, and Grace Pike for receiving their Citizenship awards this week. Thank you to everyone who participated, and a special thanks to 4A and Mrs. Tonkin for hosting such a wonderful assembly!
Year 5 Leadership Applications
Currently, the Year 6 leadership applications are open to our Year 5 cohort. These positions offer the experience for individuals to lead many successful activities, gain experience in leading initiatives and driving change within our Primary School.
As part of this process, students are submitting nominations for the following positions:
School Leaders x 4
House Captains x 8 (2 per house)
Music Captains x 2
Primary Co-Curricular Captains x 2
Nominated students will prepare a speech which they will deliver to peers on Wednesday 20 November. The successful candidates will be announced to the school community at the Primary Presentation Assembly later this term. More information about the Leadership Application process has been shared with our Year 5 families.
Safety Message from the Office
During pick up times, we ask that parents use the designated car parks around the school to access the school in a safe manner. We continue to receive concerns about the number of parents who park their car across the road on Kirchhofer Street and walk between buses, offering limited road visibility when crossing the road to return to their car. We thank you for your support.
Upcoming Events
28/10/24 Learn to Swim Program for Year 1 and Year 3; until 01/11/24
01/11/24 Primary Chapel
04/11/24 Exeat Holiday (Student Free Day)
05/11/24 Melbourne Cup Public Holiday (Student Free Day)
11/11/24 Learn to Swim Program for Year 2; until 15/11/24
11/11/24 Remembrance Day Service
13/11/24 Year 5 Leadership Nominations Due
14/11/24 Kindergarten 2025 Open Classrooms
14/11/24 Kindergarten 2025 and new families 2025 Information Evening
15/11/24 PS Assembly (Kindergarten Performance)
20/11/24 Year 5 Leadership Speeches
21/11/24 Kindergarten 2025 Transition Day 1 and Kindergarten Parent Curriculum Workshop
Nici Deller
Deputy Principal - Head of Primary