Junior School Update 

Jocelyn Gepp

Welcome back to Term 4! Wow this year has been going fast. 


The students have started the term off well by settling back into classes with a focus on high expectations and setting goals for the term ahead. In homegroups the students have been reconnecting with peers and staff whilst focusing on demonstrating our school values of Respect, Excellence and Determination.


The students also participated in Nutrition week which saw them dancing their way through Zumba and riding a bike to mix up smoothies to create positive experiences for all. 


Our Year Level Leaders have been holding assemblies with each year to celebrate student of the week, discuss upcoming events and remind students of our school expectations. These assemblies give students the opportunity to connect in cohorts and develop routines. 


Uniform reminder: Students are expected to be in full school uniform each day. Hooded jumpers are NOT uniform and should not be worn to school. Students are able to layer up by wearing plain long sleeve white t-shirts. Extra layers should not be visible outside of their uniform. Should you require support purchasing uniform please reach out to the relevant year level leader.