Prep Steiner 

Celebrating Learning

Sing a song of sixpence,

A pocket full of rye,

Four and twenty blackbirds

Baked in a pie

When the pie was opened

The birds began to sing—

Wasn't that a dainty dish

To set before the king?


We are continuing our sound and alphabet journey around the classroom. The children have been writing their own picture and word stories and sounding them out. We have been creating puppet shows and stories taking it in turns to tell the beginning, middle and end. The continuity between storytellers shows how deeply we are listening to each other.

Nin the Number Numbat has been exploring different ways of making numbers. Together we have been gathering gems together and getting them to dance on a 10’s frame to see what makes ten and beyond. 


Nin is a fair numbat, always sorting and sharing things out with her friends, including Soxy and Loxy. But Prickles, who loves food, has come to stay and keeps taking things off others’ plates. Nin and the children are noticing how many things were on each plate, how many were taken and how many are left. 

"Oh dear Prickles…"



We have been enjoying the sunny weather, having many of our lessons outside. Please remember to keep a hat at school.