School Council

We are holding the term 4 Working Bee on Sunday, November 10th, from 10 AM to 2 PM!
Our focus will be on clearing out the new secure bike storage area at the front of the school. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Your support can make a big difference.
Bring the kids along for some playtime or to lend a helping hand. Together, we can make our school environment even better.
We look forward to seeing you there,
From the Masterplan and Grounds committee
The Fun Colour Run is approaching, and the students are excited about the day!If you would like to volunteer to help on the day sign up here:
On Wednesday 20th November at 2.30pm, students will assemble under the shade sail for instructions and safety info. Each grade will make their way to the starting line and away we go!
For the safety of the younger, smaller students, the 5/6s go first, leading the way around the course, followed by the 3/4s, then the 1/2s and the preps. The course goes around part of the school, across to, and around Henderson Park.
We will have teachers/volunteers on the course.
We are intending to have 3 colour stations which will include water pistols. We are going to make this optional to the students by asking that they come off to the side - into these stations - thereby allowing students who wish to continue running without getting wet or splashed with colour to do so.
There will only be teachers and volunteers at the stations with the water and colour. Not students. We are hoping it’s a warm, sunny day but let’s plan for both and make sure that students have appropriate clothing, sunscreen and preferably - runners.
Parents are welcome to stand and cheer on the course, or even run some laps, but mostly, it's about celebrating the kids and their efforts in fundraising for the school.
Students are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes to run in, but also: superhero clothes, colourful clothes, sporting gear or white - to get coloured! Remember if they are getting wet and coloured, they might want to bring a change of clothes.
Thanks again everyone, for your fundraising efforts,
From the fundraising committee and all the school!