00A - Kingsley H - For your bravery at the police station and continually displaying our school values. Super proud of you Kingsley!
00C - Djikurra A - For your enthusiastic approach to your learning. It is wonderful to see you enjoying your work, sharing your knowledge with others all with a big smile on your face. Well done Djikurra!!
12A - Reece S - For kick starting the term of amazingly. So proud of how hard you have been trying in class!
12B - Ruby R - For experimenting with sizzling starts in her writing. Great start to the term!
12C - Luka N - For having an outstanding week of learning in all subjects! You are a super star!
34A - Mac S- For a great start to term 4. So good to see you ready to tackle the term Mac. Keep it up!
34B - Vita T - For starting Term 4 off on the right foot, working hard and smiling a lot. Keep it up!
34C - Lincoln M - For a brilliant start at East! You have settled in so well and are already a popular member of our class.
56A - Koebi B - For displaying great leadership and communication skills while at camp as you navigated yourself and others through problem solving tasks.
56B - Kyan C - For taking risks in your learning and applying new knowledge to enhance your work. Well done, Kyan!
56C - Hunter L - For being a wonderful Eastie PAL at camp. Hunter, you were respectful, responsible and resilient. You were fabulous at Rose’s Gap!
56D - Bronsae J - For being a supportive friend at Level 4 Grampians camp. Great work Brons!
Prep A - Isla G - For her amazing use of connectives in her writing to extend herself. Keep up the amazing work Isla!
12A - Stella S - For your amazing work applying your knowledge of strong word choice into your narratives. You make a beautiful little writer!
34A - Matilda H- For your general attitude and effort towards your learning in Literacy. You just get in and give it a crack. You are a wonderful example of a great role model.
56D - Levi W - For your descriptive character and setting summaries this week in Reading. You have worked really hard to include descriptive language Levi.
Prep A - Max M - for his amazing subtraction knowledge. I love the way you are challenging yourself. Well done Max
12A - Abel S - For challenging yourself this week during our warm up questions. Great to see you have such a can do attitude. Keep up the great work!
34A- Kiara D - For your enthusiasm and contributions to our maths sessions. You have been working so hard on developing your understanding around multiplication and division. Well done!
56D - Zarliah B - For working hard to calculate the change required in different situations. Great job!