The Dreamers Netball and Football

Dreamer Time:
We all know life can be full-on sometimes and Australian statistics highlight this further in showing that, on average, 1 in 5 Australians will experience a genuine mental health concern this year and that 1 in 2 Australians will face a genuine mental health concern during the course of their life.
So, with RUOK day still in the rearview mirror and October being Mental Health Month in Australia, the Dreamers will be hosting a wellbeing session for school Dads – across both Brighton Beach & Brighton Primary - to get together and share & learn more about Mental Health and how to support each other in ‘putting on our own oxygen masks first’.
The 90 minute session will be held on Tuesday the 12th of November from 7pm at the school (BBPS) and will be facilitated by one of our own, Tom Ruijs (Dutchy), who is qualified and works extensively in this field.
To register your interest and for more information, please email and we will add you to the distribution list for this and other Dreamer events.
Tom & the Dreamers committee