
Greater Western Region Athletics
Congratulations to Eliana V (Year 12) and Max W (Year 11) for qualifying to compete at the Greater Western Region Athletics.
Eliana won the Triple Jump which qualified her to compete against the top athletes for her age in Victoria! She also finished second and third in Javelin and High Jump respectively. Eliana competed at Albert Park for the state level meet on October 21st.
Max also competed well and achieved a third place in Discus. Congratulations on this great effort Max.
We are very proud of our students for their achievements.
Brad Zeunert
Head of Senior School
South West Middle Years Clay Target Competition
Selected students participated in the South West Middle Years Clay Target Competition on Monday 28th October, representing the school with respect and showing great sportsmanship on the day. Esther W, Degan M, Bailey H, Matthew P, Will D and Nathan R were involved in the event, with Degan being the top scorer for our school. Thank you all for participating.
Marko Wakim & Greg Bond
Chaplain | Senior School Teacher
Junior School District Cricket
On Friday October 25th, our Junior School teams shone at District Cricket with outstanding sportsmanship and skill. Our girls went undefeated, advancing to the next round, as well as one of our boys teams, earning a spot in Division Cricket on October 31st. Special thanks to Mrs McDonald, Mr Dunning, and Mr Raven for their invaluable support on the day.
Christie Stephen
Junior School Teacher