Grade 5 - 6
Exploring Myths and Legends in Reading
In our Reading sessions, students have been delving into myths and legends, uncovering the morals embedded within each story. By analysing clues and vocabulary from the texts, they are drawing insightful conclusions about the lessons presented. Through lively discussions and thoughtful comprehension questions, students are critically reflecting on the deeper themes of these narratives and crafting summaries that capture their essence.
Writing Procedure Texts
In our Writing sessions, we have been honing our skills in descriptive writing and choosing which genre we want to write in. Students are exploring the structure, purpose, and key language features that contribute to a range of different writing types – including narratives, procedure texts, and biographies. They are crafting their own written pieces, starting with brainstorming ideas, and developing a clear plan before diving into the writing process. They are looking forward to sharing their final drafts with the rest of the class!
Algebraic Thinking in Maths
In mathematics, we have been leveraging our prior knowledge to tackle mathematical problems while engaging in interactive games. Students are exploring mixed operations and applying various strategies to solve open-ended word problems, enhancing their problem-solving skills in a fun and dynamic way. They have also been working diligently to complete their PATS mathematics test.
Year 6 Camp
We had an amazing time at the Year 6 camp at CYC Forest Edge! Students took part in a variety of exciting activities, including river swimming, rock climbing, archery, and tackling the flying fox. They enjoyed quality moments with their peers, played engaging team sports, and created lasting memories around the campfire.