Faculty Report


Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?

Benjamin Franklin


At Mazenod College, we strive to create a learning environment that recognises and maximises each student’s potential while promoting their well-being, participation, and inclusion. Understanding that students have diverse needs, we embrace the challenge of adapting teaching methods to support our gifted learners. In alignment with MACS' policies, we recognise that highly capable students require tailored educational approaches. This ensures that they remain engaged, challenged, and active participants in their learning journey.


Mazenod’s Enhancement Program celebrates the wide range of interests and talents within our school community. Our gifted learners are encouraged to explore their passions and push themselves beyond the traditional classroom experience. This holistic approach ensures they not only excel in their areas of strength but also develop a lifelong love of learning.


Giftedness is a complex and multifaceted concept, and we draw on Dr. François Gagné’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT) to guide our approach. Gagné defines giftedness as natural ability or potential in areas like intellectual, creative, artistic, and leadership capacities. Talent, by contrast, is the development of these innate gifts through education, practice, and experience. In our program, we focus on both aspects: nurturing inherent gifts while providing opportunities for students to refine and develop their talents.


The College also aligns with Joseph Renzulli’s Model for Differentiation. Renzulli’s framework emphasises three key strategies to support gifted learners:

  • Differentiation within each classroom ensures that the curriculum is adjusted to meet the diverse needs of students, offering challenges that are both engaging and relevant.
  • Ability grouping places gifted students in small, like-ability groups, such as those in our Junior Enhancement subjects, where they can work alongside peers who share similar intellectual strengths. This encourages deeper discussion and exploration of advanced concepts.
  • Extension provides opportunities for students to go beyond the standard curriculum through enrichment activities and advanced topics. Our wide variety of co-curricular programs and clubs (Chess, eSports, Technology, Book, Film and Science Clubs all come to mind, as do the College’s extraordinary Debating, Performing Arts and Sporting opportunities) allow students to explore their passions in greater depth, broadening their understanding of the world.

As we continue to celebrate the unique talents of our gifted students, we are reminded that every individual has something special to contribute. Mazenod’s Enhancement program is a reflection of our commitment to embracing the dignity of all individuals, empowering each student to reach their full potential, and nurturing a learning environment where all students can flourish.






Joanna Phillips

Gifted & Talented Leader