Engagement & Wellbeing
Remembrance Day
Our Grade 6 school leaders proudly represented Buninyong Primary School at the local Remembrance Day service at RSL Park. They laid a wreath on behalf of our school community to honour and remember the sacrifices of those who have served in conflicts past and present. We are incredibly proud of our students for their respectful participation in this important event.
Attending school every day is crucial to your child’s education. Students learn new things daily, and missing school can set them back. In Victoria, school attendance is compulsory for children and young people aged 6-17 years.
Schools are required to record and monitor student attendance and absences. Please ensure all absences are reported to the school on the day of absence through one of the following methods:
- Log the absence via Compass and add an attendance note
- Call the school on 5341 3560
- Email the school at buninyong.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Thank you for your cooperation in supporting regular attendance.
The Best Time to Arrive at School: 8:45am
Supervision at Buninyong begins at 8:45am, and our learning day starts promptly at 9:00am. The first bell rings at 8:55am, and by 9:00am, students should be in their classrooms, ready to learn.
Arriving even a few minutes late can lead to a disrupted start to the day for the student and the class. Over time, these small delays can add up to significant missed learning, impacting their progress over a week, a term, or even the school year.
Bunjil Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Bunjil Award at the last assembly.
Bunjil awards recognise student achievement and those who display our school values of being respectful, responsible and kind.
Well done! All of our recipients enjoyed a hot chocolate or zooper dooper with a principal.