School News

School Feast Day
Yesterday, we began our day with a mass dedicated to the deeds and devotion displayed by St Mary, marking the day when Mary was presented at the temple and the faith of Mary's parents. As St Mary’s has a long history with the Presentation Sisters, we recognise this feast day as a whole school celebration.
After Mass, students moved back to the school grounds and ate cake. They were surprised that The Zone Fun Park was on the grounds and had set up a Laser Tag arena and an inflatable Gauntlet. Kids and teachers had an absolute blast, with many skirmishes between the students and teachers. A great day for students and staff alike.
Flying into Foundation
Over the last two weeks, we have had the pleasure of running our Fly into Foundation program and meeting some new faces in preparation for 2025. We have had so much fun playing games outside, reading books such as "Where the Wild Things Are" and "The Lorax" and making some awesome crafts.
With our final session coming up on Wednesday, the 4th of December, we are excited to see what is in store for the students!
2025 Gym & Swimming Program
Our whole school gymnastics and swimming program commences in week 2.
More details, and PAM permissions, will be sent home on the first day back in Term 1
School Resources for 2025
Engine Room Update (Formerly known as the Energy Breakthrough Room)
In late August, the school successfully secured an insurance payout to address the damage caused by moisture in the flooring of the Energy Breakthrough room. Following this, a decision was made to replace the lino with polished flooring. This choice allows the space to breathe, significantly reducing the risk of moisture buildup and mould.
In addition, new ventilation systems were installed in both the Energy Breakthrough room and the kitchen area of the convent building to further improve airflow and prevent future issues.
We are excited to repurpose this space as our Engine and Sensory Room, providing a dynamic and supportive environment for our students' sensory and wellbeing needs.
What is an Engine room and sensory room used for?
An Engine Room is a dynamic space where students can participate in activities designed to help regulate their energy levels and focus. These activities often involve physical movement, such as balancing, stretching, or completing obstacle courses. The goal is to help students “tune their engines”—whether they need to calm down, wake up, or maintain focus—so they can be in the right mindset for learning.
The Sensory Room is a calming space tailored for students who may be feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated. It provides a soothing environment with tools such as soft lighting, weighted items, sensory toys, and calming sounds. This room is particularly beneficial for students who need a quiet place to regroup, manage emotions, or reduce sensory input.
Both spaces are used proactively and supportively, guided by staff who work closely with students to identify strategies that meet their individual needs. These rooms are part of our holistic approach to well-being, ensuring that every child feels supported and ready to engage in their learning journey.
Veggie Garden Works for 2025
We are excited to announce our partnership with Loddon Healthy Communities to revitalise our school’s veggie patch. Last week, we were successfully awarded a $7,500 grant to support this project.
These funds will contribute to the purchase and construction of the following:
Three wicking beds, complete with plumbing, scorers, liners, and soil.
A gravel pathway, designed to wind through our future sensory garden.
Soil replenishment for the existing concrete pots.
Pea straw to retain moisture and prevent soil drying.
Storyboards, highlighting healthy eating and the “patch-to-plate” process.
Demolition and rebuild of the chicken coop.
The installation of the wicking beds and other garden infrastructure is scheduled to begin on 3rd February 2025. This timeline provides an excellent opportunity for students to actively participate in the setup, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in the garden.
Additionally, we see great potential for parent and community engagement in this project. By utilising funds raised by the Parents and Friends group, we can further enhance the garden and host a Working Bee in Term 1, 2025. This collaborative effort will not only strengthen our garden but also deepen the connection between our school and the wider community.
Kris Kringles
Dear Families,
Students will receive their K.K. on Monday 2nd December, this is an exercise to allow us to show acts of kindness to our K.K. and make them feel extra special for these last few weeks.
During this time, there will be a letterbox in the Office where students can post letters that will be delivered to their K.K.
By Friday 13thDecember, students will need to bring a wrapped gift to the value of $5 to school for their K.K. that will go under the Christmas tree.
Gifts will be given out on Wednesday 18th December.
On the gift it should read:
To: K.K.
From: (Your child’s name.)
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office on 03 54 383 075.