From the Head of Senior School

Mr Trent Chapman, Executive Director, Head of Senior School

As we close the year, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on what has been a highly successful term. Our students and staff have worked incredibly hard, and I am immensely proud of the way our students have maintained their high standards and effort right to the very end. 


A special congratulations to Year 7 to 10 students on successfully completing their end-of-year examinations. Thank you to Mr Nathan Lewis and his team for the smooth organisation and management of the Year 9 and 10 exam blocks. I’d also like to extend my gratitude to Mrs Michelle Thompson for her efforts in facilitating the Year 10 Minimum Standards testing, which followed the exam period. 


As we look ahead to Camps Week next week, I remind all students to double-check all information to ensure they are fully prepared for this exciting and enriching experience. 


Finally, I wish all staff, students, and their families a Merry Christmas and a restful holiday break. May this season bring joy, peace, and cherished moments with your loved ones. 

Thank you all for a wonderful 2024, and I look forward to seeing you in the new year! 

Camp Week, Term 4 2024 

The annual Term 4 camp week will be conducted from Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th December. All members of the KWS Cadet Corps (Years 7-11) will attend the Bivouac activities. 


Year Activity Dates Expectation 
7 Cadet Activities Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th December All Year 7 students* will attend Cadet Bivouac Camp from Monday 2nd December -Wednesday 4th December. Details have been distributed by Mr Lun in the cadet joining instruction which can be found on the cadet hub page. 
8 Cadet Activities Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th December All Year 8 students* will attend Cadet Bivouac Camp from Monday 2nd December -Wednesday 4th December. Details have been distributed by Mr Lun in the cadet joining instruction which can be found on the cadet hub page. 

Master Classes 


Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th December All non-cadet Year 9 students will participate in a masterclass of their choice on Monday 2nd December -Wednesday 4th December. Further information regarding masterclasses will be shared by Ms Youll. 



Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th December All non-cadet Year 10 students will participate in Skill-masters activities to prepare the students for their senior years between Monday 2nd December -Wednesday 4th December. Further information regarding the specific details will be shared by Ms Reynolds. 
11 HSC Bootcamp Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th December All non-cadet Year 11 students will participate in a HSC Bootcamp Monday 4th – Wednesday 6th December. Further information about the week will be shared by Ms Dunkley.  
10-11 Duke Of Edinburgh Sunday 1st – Wednesday 4th December Any non-cadet Year 10 or Year 11 student who is completing the Duke of Edinburgh award will be expected to complete the journey component of the award during camps week. Information regarding this will be shared by Mr Zinga. 


*Any student in Years 7 or 8 with an approved Cadet Exemption will be required to see Ms Youll and participate in the Master Class Program.  


If you have any questions about camp week, please contact Ms Jo Hunter, Co-curricular Administrator, at  


Speech Day 2024 -Thursday 5 December

Information for Parents and Students

  • Speech Day is a compulsory school event.
  • Students are required to be in immaculate full school uniform including blazer.
  • Students are to arrive at school at 8:45am and will meet in House areas for roll marking and further information. Students need bags to clear out their lockers.
  • All students will move to the DPA with Head Mentors at 9:35am. Prize winners and musicians will have allocated seating.
  • At the conclusion of the ceremony students will be dismissed back to House areas to collect belongings before being dismissed at 12:30pm.


  • All parents and close family are invited to attend our final whole school formal occasion for 2024.
  • For those unable to attend in person, the ceremony will be available live on Zoom. Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Passcode: 478977

  • The ceremony starts at 10am sharp. Please be punctual. Guest seating will be available upstairs in the mezzanine. Limited seating will be available on the main floor for any guests who are unable to access the mezzanine.
  • There is no parking on the Wolaroi site until the ceremony is over and guests have departed, approximately 12:30pm. Normal drop‐off zones will be in operation before 8:45am. Parking/traffic attendants will be in place to ensure that only those with reserved places use on‐site parking areas.
  • The Orange Function Centre will have parking spaces available, and the school will run a shuttle bus to and from the Wolaroi site. The shuttle buses will run at the following times: 9:15am‐10am and 12pm‐1pm.
  • Normal town and school buses will run as per their usual schedule. Any Senior School students who need to remain on site to wait for buses will be supervised in the library until 3:25pm.
  • Access to the Wolaroi site will be restricted from 9am‐12:30pm. Parents/carers are requested not to arrive before 12:30pm to pick up students. To allow efficient traffic flow, parents/carers are requested to collect students from the following locations, based on House groups, between 12:30pm‐12:45pm:

Dean and Gordon                                     Access via Cox Ave and pick up from Junior School drop‐off zone. 


Brown, Douglas and McLachlan           

Pick up from Allenby Road (outside Music Centre)


Blackman, Richards and Williams        

Access via Bathurst Road and collect from DPA.



  • Boarding Houses on both sites will be open for you to collect your child and their belongings at the conclusion of the Speech Day ceremony. Please note that the Boarding Houses will close at 2pm. All boarders and belongings must be collected by this time.

Speech Day 2024 

Speech Day information for Parents and Students can be downloaded below.