Junior School
Performing Arts
Mrs Katie Sinclair, Junior School Music Coordinator
Junior School
Performing Arts
Mrs Katie Sinclair, Junior School Music Coordinator
Week | Date / Location
| Ensemble/Group | Event |
| Thursday 28 November Friday 29 November | K-2 | K-2 Nativity – Performance Theatre |
Sunday 1 December | Koristers | KWS Carol Service 4pm – Holy Trinity | |
8 | Tuesday 3rd December | All ensembles + UpBeats | JS Co-Curricular Afternoon Tea Celebration - DPA |
Wednesday 4 December | JS String Orchestra, Junior Concert Band, Five Fiddles | JS Speech Day 10am DPA |
Last week our Junior Concert Band visited Trinity Pre-School to perform for a very enthusiastic audience of 3- and 4-year-olds. Students performed a range of songs from their repertoire as well as giving demonstrations on the instruments that they play. Pre-schoolers were invited to clap along during the performance and were delighted to see and hear all the different instruments. Thank you to Junior Concert Band and to Mrs Shields & Mr Yabsley-Bell for their work in preparing and organising this event.
Last Thursday, Pre-K were entertained by students from two of our senior school ensembles - iBand and iStrings. The ensembles performed a range of repertoire as well as some contemporary and traditional Christmas music. Pre-K were able to show how good they were at keeping the beat as they accompanied iBand’s performance of Jingle Bell Rock! They demonstrated excellent listening skills, identified the relationship between size of instrument and pitch, responded to volume and asked some very thoughtful questions. It was wonderful to see our youngest students enjoying performances by senior students and particularly those students who had also attended Pre-K many years ago! Hopefully these performances may have inspired some students to learn an instrument in the years to come.
Thanks to the senior students for their performance as well as Miss Shelley Hayes and Mr Yabsley-Bell for preparing and organising this opportunity for Pre-K.
Our last group of budding violinists finished their program with Miss Shelley last week. They performed a selection of songs for a very attentive audience, demonstrating how quickly they have picked up the basics of this wonderful instrument.
Well done to Suvi, Vian, Nate & Flynn on their hard work.
Mrs Jacqui Paix & Mrs Kerry-Anne Callaughan
Last Thursday afternoon a Christmas Concert ‘Take a Bow’ was performed. Students of Mrs. Paix and Mrs. Callaughan’s studio presented many humorous Christmas themed poetry, monologues, and plays. It was an evening enjoyed by both the students and parents, was well attended and ended with the audience joining in the Australian version of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”! Fun was had by all!!
It is with sadness that we farewell one of our treasured Speech and Drama teachers after 21 years of service. Mrs Kerry-Anne Callaughan has for the last 21 years been a stalwart of the Speech and Drama scene at KWS. She has taught hundreds of students from Kindergarten through to year 12 from preliminary to diploma level. The students will miss her terribly and we all wish Kerry-Anne every happiness for her upcoming retirement.
Last Thursday afternoon a Christmas Concert ‘Take a Bow’ was performed. All the students of Mrs. Paix and Mrs. Callaghan presented many humorous Christmas themed poetry, monologues, and plays. It was an evening enjoyed by both the students and parents, was well attended and ended with the audience joining in the Australian version of 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas'. Fun was had by all!