Upcoming Events

Year 12s' Final Week
We have been celebrating our Class of 2024 this week, below are the remaining functions!
Date | Event | Location | Time |
15 November | Farewell Assembly | PE Centre | 11:00am |
Thanksgiving Service | Chapel | 6:00pm | |
Valedictory Dinner | The Warehouse | 7:30pm |
The Farewell Assembly will be Livestreamed for our families who cannot join us in person for this special celebration. The link is available below.
If you have any questions in relation to the above arrangements, please reach out to Ms Tina Mills, Head of Years 10 to 12 via: tmills@clayfield.qld.edu.au.
Year 6 Celebration Service and Function
Christmas Carols Service
Our annual Christmas Carols Service is on Tuesday 26 November in the Assembly Hall and we invite you to join us for an evening of Christmas music and devotion.
The P&F association is providing a free sausage sizzle, which will be served from 5:15pm, with drinks available for purchase. The service commences at 6:00pm.
In the spirit of giving, we ask guests to bring a gift to place under the tree for the UnitingCare Christmas Appeal. Alternatively, there will be an opportunity for direct donations to help those in need.
Primary Presentation Day (Pre-Prep to Year 6)