
Director: Meg Arnold

Waratah: Group: Jacqui Zourkas, Megan Lebret, Eliza Wong

Lasiandra Group: Helen Williams, Rhonda Tabe, Canice Searles O'Connor, Jeni O'Kane, Eliza Wong

Banksia Group: Naomi Parkin, Melanie Goldmith, Shannon Stackpoole

Wattle Group: Naomi Parkin, Shannon Stackpoole, Megan Lebret

Lunch Relief: Meg Arnold and Sarah Wilson

Important Dates

Monday 18th November - Part 2 of Bee Incursion for Lasiandra

Friday 22nd November - Waratah Drama Toolbox Incursion

Wednesday 27th November - Waratah End of Year Concert

Tuesday 3rd December - Lasiandra End of Year Concert

Wednesday 4th December - 3 YO End of Year Picnic

Monday 16th December - Last Day of Kinder for Lasiandra and Banksia Groups

Thursday 19th December - Last day of Kinder for Wattle and Waratah Groups

Early Holidays

Please let your child’s teacher know via email and in advance if your child will not be attending the last weeks of kinder due to family holidays etc. This helps us plan our activities for the rest of the term and ensure we get any important items to you before you finish up for the year. 

3 YO Drama Toolbox Incursion

The circus came to the 3 YO room this week!!  So much fun was had by all the children during this amazing interactive performance.  It was so great to see all the children participate in whatever way suited them.  Our incredible director was able to get the best out of everyone.  

4 YO Butterflies Incursion

The children loved having the butterflies visit the 4 YO groups this week.  We learnt so much about the life cycle of these beautiful creatures.  It was so special to be able to let them land on us and flutter close by.  

Now we wait and watch for our very own butterflies to emerge from their crysalisis.  We have 5 crysalis hanging in their little cage.  In the next couple of weeks they will go a darker colour and eventually the butterfly will emerge from each of them.  They will then need to dry their wings for a couple of days in the safety of the small enclosure.  Once they have dried, we will be able to release them out into the world!!

4 YO Bee Incursion - Part 2

Our Waratah group got to enjoy the second part of the Bee incursion this week, Lasiandra will do their part 2 next week.  During the part 2 session the children were able to each make a wax candle and a wax food wrap.  The children enjoyed learning about these incredible ways we can use bees wax for such practical items.  

2025 Information Night

Thank you to everyone who attended the Information Night on Wednesday evening. We had a great turn out and it was lovely to put faces to names of new families as well as see some returning families.  If you were unable to attend, we will be sending out to all those enrolled for 2025 a copy of the slides presented on the night along with a copy of the 2025 Parent Handbook.  The Handbook covers the majority of the information you need.  But if you have any questions please feel free to speak to the teachers or contact Meg via email or phone.   

Your child's teacher for next year will be in touch if you haven't yet signed up for a Get to Know You chat.

Also, if you haven't yet, please make sure to complete the enrolment form as soon as possible.   This is a very important document that we legally need completed before your child can start, but also with enough time so we can review the information and ensure we have all the correct details.

Uniform Orders

Uniform order for 2025 are now live on CompassTix.  All items are available in all colours and sizes range from a size 2 up to a size 10.  Feel free to visit the foyer of the kinder where you will find samples of the clothing a variety of sizes and colours for you to try on if you wish.

Orders will close on Monday 16th December so they can be sent on to the supplier.  This will ensure they can be ready for when children start in 2025.

You can either click the link below to make a purchase or the link in the email sent out to you.


School Magazine: Vermont Views

The Vermont Views magazine is available for purchase for $15. This is a great keepsake of 'the year that was' and a fun way to track your child's journey through their school years. The magazine has every 2024 class included, special items from the specialist subjects, and a reflection from the student leaders and the Principals. 


Orders can now be placed through the Compass Parent Portal, under the Shop Menu. To access the Shop Menu from the app, click the ‘More’ button at bottom right of screen. Then click on the 'Shop' tile.  


If you would like to purchase a copy, you will need to do it before it closes on the 6th of December 2024.


Mrs Pring & Miss Abrahams