Physical Education

Hi Families,
Planning for 2025 is in full swing. Below will give you lots of information on what to expect in term 1. Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
2025 Dates for the diary:
Term 1:
Wednesday 12th February: Trials for District Swimming Team (please see link below if your child would like to attend tryouts next year).
Wednesday 26th February: District Swimming
Monday 3rd March: Division Swimming
Tuesday 25th March: Yr 4 Gala Day TBC
Thursday 3rd April: Yr 5/6 Gala Day TBC
Swimming Trials
Thank you to those that filled this out in the last newsletter. For those that missed out, our time trials for the District Swimming team have already been booked and will run at AQUANATION Ringwood, on Wednesday 12th February from 7.30am until 830am. If your child would like to attend the trials, please specify here. Having this information before the day, makes this short session run smoothly.
These are for year 3 to 6 students. Students MUST be turning 9 by December 31 in 2025 to qualify for trials. The races will be timed and the teams will be selected based on these times. The student MUST be able to swim the entire distance on their own safely and comfortably.
As we start looking towards 2025 sport planning and sport equipment and uniform stocktake I just thought I would put a shout out one last time for any uniforms you may have still at home perhaps. We are missing a few of the basketball tops from earlier in the year and some long sleeve football jumpers. If you have any if you could have your child bring them to the office, this would be fantastic.
Spotlight on PE - Year 5 & 6
Currently in Year 5 & 6 the students are involved in a SEPEP unit (Sport Education in Physical Education Program). This program is constructed around a student centred approach to physical education. This is were teachers take a step back and allow their students to be accountable and to enhance their learning through establishing good working environments through working together and collaborate on the roles and responsibilities involved. The concept behind SEPEP is for students to experience a program that reflects the real world. The students are participating in the sporting (Year 5 - Lacrosse and Year 6 - Flag Football) and developing leadership skills through the experience of taking on the roles and responsibilities of the program. These roles are captains, coaches, stats people, media, dispute panels and when they are not playing they are umpires, scorers, time keepers, MVP voters. This program gives the students the opportunity to learn vital skills, such as team work, responsibilities, ownership, organisation, collaboration, problem solving and communication skills. This program accommodates for all student capability levels and covers learning beyond the traditional physical education program.
This week our year 5 & 6 students embark on finals and their final week of the program! Hopefully they have enjoyed the sessions and have been able to tell you a bit about what they have learnt from the process.
Spotlight on Current & Past Students
I love hearing from current students about what they are achieving outside of school in sport - whatever that looks like (as well as past students as mentioned in previous emails). This is a great place we can celebrate those achievements, so please feel free to send these through to share at
This week we want to congratulate River in year 4. River and her Aerodynamix gymnastics team competed in the Junior Victorian Gymnastics Championships in Geelong a few weeks ago and came 4th on Vault and Bars. They competed against 16 of the top gymnastics teams in Victoria, many who were much older. River's beam routine was chosen to be featured on Gymnastics Victoria's Official website, so exciting!
Have a fabulous week everyone.
Stay safe, keep active
Catherine Wall
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator