From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

As we head into the last few  weeks of the school year, there is still so much happening. Please read through the newsletter to ensure that you are up to date with events.


Tabloid Sports Reminder

This Friday 29th November we will be having a whole school Tabloid Sports Carnival. There will be multi-age groups who will do a rotation of 10 fun activities run by Playfit Sports. This sports day will have a different focus as we launch and celebrate our new house names.  

This will take place at 10:45 am-1:00 pm, McDonald Reserve, 66 Bell Street, Coburg.

Students will walk with their classes to the reserve and return in time for lunch.  They can wear their sports uniform and their house colours, their teachers will remind them of the house colour if they are not sure.  We encourage students to apply sunscreen at home before coming to school and they must wear their hat.

Our Sports Leaders and our Fire Carrier Leaders and team have worked together to produce a brief slides presentation to let all in our community know about this exciting change. We’ll also share this presentation on Seesaw.

Parents are welcome to attend and watch their child/ren take part in the activities. 

If you have not done so please return the permission form as soon as possible.


2025 School Fees and Levies

We have an updated School Fees and Levy Policy for 2025.  Whilst we aim to limit any increase, our rising costs necessitate  this as we need to be able to meet our financial obligations. Today a letter has been sent out to families on Audiri and it is attached for your information. If any family experiences any difficulties paying their fees, please contact the Office to arrange a time to meet with me.


Mini Bernie’s – Foundation 2025 Orientation

Yesterday our Foundation 2025 students enjoyed their final Mini Bernie's Orientation Session. We are excited to welcome our new students and families to our school. 


Assembly this Friday 

The whole school assembly is this Friday 29th November at 3.00pm in the hall, Foundation will be hosting.


Reports & Report Feedback Session

Reports will be sent home on Friday 6th December and our Report Feedback sessions will be held on Tuesday 10th December from 3:30pm - 6:30pm. 

This session is not compulsory for parents to meet with teachers, however it is an opportunity to discuss your child’s report for those who would like to. Specialist staff will also be available.


Bookings open Tuesday 3rd December at 9.00am

If you wish to attend, please book online at

Tuesday 10th December

3:30pm - 6:30pm

CODE:  4ea9v


Moving Up  Session

Students will participate in a ‘Moving Up' Session with their 2025 teacher and classmates on Friday 13th December.


Carols Night

Our annual Carols night will be held on Monday 16th December from 5:00pm-6:30pm in the yard (weather permitting). The gates will open at 5:00pm and Carols begin at 5:30pm. Please feel free to bring along a blanket, snacks and drinks and  add some touches of Christmas cheer by way of hats, tinsel etc.  It is a lovely way to get into the Christmas spirit.


End of Year Mass

Our End of Year Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 17th December at 9:30am. We would love as many families as possible to join us in the Church as we celebrate and thank God, our Father, for another wonderful year.

Students finish at 1:00pm on this last day of school. OSHC is available and bookings are essential.


Year 6 Day Out

Monday 16th December is the Year 6 Day Out, a letter with information and a permission from will be sent home this week. 


Year 6 - Graduation Dinner

An email was sent out  to Year 6 families about the Graduation Dinner.

A reminder to purchase your tickets by this Friday 29th November. 

Book here: 


Junior Rockers Concert - Save the Date

There will be an end of year concert for the Junior Rockers students on Thursday 5th December, 3:30pm - 5:00pm in the hall.

'Something to Think About'

Next Sunday 1st December marks the beginning of Advent which is an important season in the church as we begin to prepare for Christmas.

Advent in 2 minutes…

Joanne Doherty 
