Senior School Report

What's Happening in Senior School
With the first term of 2024 coming to an end, we can reflect on the opportunities for Senior School students to demonstrate the qualities embodied by our school values - I.N.S.P.I.R.E.
Students have demonstrated a range of qualities through many events that have promoted excellence, innovation, and success.
Students have enjoyed the privilege of learning closely with their teachers and among their peers. With this, students have attended many learning opportunities including; Art Excursions, KIOSC, Grand Prix, and also had the opportunity to participate/coach in interschool sports. All these events have provided students with a chance to extend their learning beyond the classroom.
We would like to wish all students a restful and safe break. Make sure to take some time to look after yourselves and recharge your batteries after a busy start the year.
VCE Scores
The VCE students have shown much interest in finding out more on how scores are calculated by VCAA and VTAC. Every score that is obtained in a Unit 3/4 study during the year, as part of coursework, is submitted to VCAA and moderated. In moderating those internal scores, VCAA heavily considers how students perform, as a cohort, in their end of year examinations. For this reason, students should view each assessment throughout the year as opportunities to progress in order to maximise their performance at the end of the year. Besides, the students should consider the importance of the collective performance in the process of moderation and therefore support each other in their learning.
Further information is available on how to calculate a study score via the VCAA website and how to calculate an ATAR via the VTAC website.
Study Tips
Tip 1: If possible, take notes on what you will learn in the lesson before the class takes place.
I have found that reading up and taking notes on the lesson before it starts will be extremely beneficial in the long run. Usually, the night before class, I will go through the PowerPoint that will be taught in the next lesson and write notes on what we will learn. The best thing about doing this is that you can get an understanding of what will be taught ahead of time, that way, you can get an idea of what needs to be completed in class. Doing this will allow you to listen in class when the teacher is talking and ask questions when needed rather than stressing about writing down content and not understanding what is actually needed.
Tip 2: Annotate notes in a memorable way!
To write notes I usually start by writing them in a word document, this way I can refine them easily when needed. When it come to the time where I need to revise and learn them for the SAC, I will then print them out and annotate them.
To annotate is extremely important as it is a way that can be memorable to you. Use fun colour and fonts that you like that way you can enjoy the way your notes look. I will annotate them with a range of different colours for the different content.
For example, I will use highlighters for the key terms, when annotating the content use another colour to set out the main points. Use words that you will remember that way it is a clear and catchy. What works for me is if I have to study for two subjects in one day, I will break up the workload into parts to not overwhelm myself.
Tip 3: Ask questions!
I know that it may be intimidating and scary to ask question when you don’t understand the work but trust me asking questions is the best thing you can do. It will really help you when studying. There is never a dumb question! I totally understand if you may think that the question you have is silly or is obvious, but it may help you so much in the long run and can really set you up to succeed.
Also, never be afraid to clarify your answers with teachers, by doing so it will assist you in attaining the right answers and give you reassurance to boost your confidence.
Tip 4: Be organised!
Being organised is extremely important and will really guide you to succeed in school. Using the school planner, writing down on paper or even putting information in Notes on your phone can be very effective in remembering your upcoming SACs and can support you in becoming organised. Remember to place key dates in a noticeable area to you.
It is also important to create a timetable to plan when you’re going to study for which subject each day. Doing this will prevent overwhelming feelings.
Senior School Key Dates
- Volunteer Knox Excursion - 1pm-3pm April 24
- Friday 3 May Careers EXPO (Year 10)
- Monday May 20
- Monash University Excursion (Year 11) - date TBA
- Deakin University Excursion (Year 10) - date TBA
- Tuesday 11 June Year 10/11 Exams Starting - (exam schedule to be published)
- Tuesday 18 June GAT (All unit 3 and 4 students)
Mrs Michelle de Boer
Head of Senior School
Year 10 ABCN Excursion
Scoresby Secondary College is privileged to be the Australian Business Network partner of the global accountancy firm Ernst and Young. On Thursday March 14, 23 Year 10 students travelled to the Ernst and Young Head Office in the Melbourne CBD.
The purpose of the visit was to take part in an interactive workshop with Ernst and Young business mentors that focused on developing our students “real life” interview skills.
The workshops ran for four hours, and students were very excited to experience a delicious “working lunch” with their mentors which was fully catered. At the conclusion of the workshops, students bravely sat two mock job interviews, and received feedback from their mentors.
Students reported they enjoyed the experience, and they were “blown away” by the “fanciness” of the Ernst and Young building. They agreed unanimously that the experience would benefit their ability to sit a successful job interview in the future.
The sentiments of Molly Hunt and Brianna Macleod summed up the day: “Getting the experience of sitting an interview will definitely make me less nervous when I am interviewing for a real job”.
Ms Kathryn Watt
High Achievers Leader