Principal's Report

Welcome to our final edition of our newsletter for Term 1.
Term one has set strong foundations for our students with transition programs, goal setting and student learning. It has also been a term where we have celebrated the achievements of so many of our students.
As a college we continue to be acknowledged for our student literacy and numeracy outcomes, however as principal, the true recognition comes every day in our classrooms and witnessing first-hand student engagement, the growth in student learning confidence and student positive attitudes and behaviours. It is our belief that every student has the potential to achieve in their education. We understand that learning can be challenging for some students, but we also know that discovering what sparks their interest can make all the difference. By recognising and nurturing each student's unique strengths and passions, we aim to create a learning environment where every individual can thrive.
Our teachers have continued to work extremely hard, modelling our learning values of ‘relevance, rigour and responsibility’ to provide every student every opportunity to achieve their personal best. On Tuesday April 20 are our student/ parent/ teacher conferences. These conferences are an opportunity for you to meet and get to know your child's teacher and can foster a positive conversation. It is through the sharing of information about your child’s progress, interests and learning need, that teachers are better equipped to personalise your child’s learning.
Open Day/Night
Open Day /Night was held on Tuesday 26 April opening our college to prospective students, parents and carers. Day time tours were conducted throughout the morning with our classrooms transformed into action packed, vibrant and inviting learning hubs enabling our guests to experience the essence of learning within our community. The warmth, knowledge, and genuine passion for education and pride shown by students shone through in every interaction, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended. It was very rewarding to have such a dedicated staff and students showcasing the best of what our school has to offer and it did not go unnoticed.
A special commendation goes to all staff and students who contributed to the captivating displays, performances, and collaborative efforts, our college partners from Thermo Fisher Scientific and KIOSC, Knox Secondary Senior Education Leader, education support staff and our facilities team. Your creativity and attention to detail transformed our campus into a vibrant and inviting space, setting the perfect stage for our guests to experience the essence of our school community.
50 Year Celebrations
Scoresby Secondary College opened in 1964 and is turning 50 years this year. In Term 3 there will be a number of celebrations. Look out for updates in our Term 2 newsletters via the official Scoresby Secondary College Facebook and other media. From May, we will be collecting memorabilia such as past school items, photos or other memorabilia that can be added to other items for displays. If you have any items you are willing to share or wish to be added to an email distribution list please contact Evie Popas via email
Activities and Events in Term 1
Term 1 this year was a shorter term and despite the high rates of COVID and other illnesses, our students were provided an extraordinary array of activities and events to engage in beyond the classroom these included:
- Orientation Programs
- Year 7 Camp
- Year 12 Residential Study Camp at the University of Melbourne
- Year 8 and 9 Challenge and Respectful Relationships Program
- Secondary Children’s University Program
- Top Achiever Programs including many extension and enrichment opportunities
- Proactive wellbeing presentations - self-regulation, mindfulness
- Australian Business Community Network (ABCN) Programs
- Student leadership programs and events
- Excursions to KIOSC,
- Blue Edge Program
- Breakfast Club
- Casual Clothes Day
- Interschool sport
- Instrumental music and Music performances,
- Launch of the 2024 production auditions
- Lunchtime activities
- Guest speakers
- Study Skills program
New Council
The College Council AGM was held on Thursday 28 March. College Council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students. On behalf of our community, I thank the following members who have been elected for being prepared to commit their time to support our college
The 2017 - 2018 Committee members :
President Glenn Corey
(Year 11 Parent)
Vice President Jo Jones
(Year 7, 8 and 10 Parent)
Treasurer Andrew Bissett
(Year 11 Parent)
Executive Officer Gail Major
Committee Members
Parent Representatives
Garry Davies (Year 9 and 12 Parent)
Chris Duncan (Year 8 Parent)
Jennifer Willems (Year 9 Parent)
Department of Education and Training Employee Representatives
Mark Corrie (Assistant Principal)
Michele Rogers (Education Support)
Ayman Youssef (Assistant Princ
Coopted Members
Nicole Seymour
On behalf of current and past members of the Scoresby Secondary College Community I would like to thank Keith Talty who is retiring from council after twenty two years. Keith has held many roles throughout his time on council, first joining as a parent as a committee member and then taking on roles as President, Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair and Chaplaincy Committee Chair. Keith remained on council after his children finished their schooling and has been a co-opted member of council ever since. Keith has participated in school reviews, principal appointments and led many fundraising events including spring markets and second hand book sales. Volunteering for twenty two years is an amazing achievement.
I welcome our new members to Council and look forward to our continued transformation and achievement of our goals and priorities in 2024.
Young Endeavour Program Success
Loren Watson our Year 12 College Captain has been selected to participate in the 2024 Young Endeavour Program. Loren will join a crew of young Australians and embark on a life changing eleven day sailing journey. The journey is learning not only how to sail a square-rigged tall ship, but how to enhance leadership skills, support others and work together as a team. Loren’s voyage will depart from South Australia this month. Thank you to the Rotary Club of Knox who has sponsored Loren for this amazing opportunity. Congratulations Loren!
College Uniform
Students are expected to be in their winter uniforms from the start of term two with the correct items being worn to and from school. I have been informed that a small number of students have been seen arriving or leaving the college with other clothing items or carrying a bag other than the approved college schoolbag. This is disappointing as these students not only impact on the perceptions of themselves and other students; they are not supporting Scoresby Secondary College’s vision and values. Students are reminded to check the uniform policy prior to returning , especially policies related to piercings and hair colour.
Holiday break
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to a successful start to the year. In particular I would like to thank our community for such a positive welcome provided to new students, staff and families as they have transitioned into Scoresby Secondary College. They have quickly gained an understanding of how inclusive and proud we are of our college and the culture of learning growth and respect that is strived for each day.
All the very best to staff, students, and families for a safe and relaxing holiday break and hope you all returning refreshed and motivated on Monday 15 April.
Mrs Gail Major