Religious Education

Mr Ray Hickey


Class Masses for Term One  






20th March

School Closure


27th March 


All family members are welcome to attend our class masses. We look forward to seeing you there. 


The Year 3/4 classes are organising the Career's Day on Friday 22 March. Everyone is encouraged to dress up as their occupation of choice for the future. Students will discuss the importance of education and share with their classmates what occupation they chose and why.  

The purpose of these FUNdraising events is to raise money for Project Compassion, which Caritas Australia uses to support communities in need. 


This week the students focused on John's Gospel story of Jesus explaining to Nicodemus that God loves us so much he sent his only Son to save us. Ask them to share their understandings of this Gospel reading and the information they are learning about the Global Goals set by United Nations to make our world an equitable, healthy and happy place for everyone. 


Congratulations to the Year Three students who completed their First Reconciliation on Wednesday 13 March. Thank you to the families, staff , Deacon Malcolm, Father Laurence and Fr Justel for supporting the students with their First Reconciliation. 


In Week 9, the final week of Term One, the Catholic Church remembers the events of  Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday, which are known as Holy Week. 

The school community will commemorate these events by participating in special prayer liturgies. Each class will choose a time to gather and reflect on the significance of Palm Sunday, when Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem, and the three important events of Holy Thursday, when Jesus washed the feet of his apostles, shared his Last Supper and prayed in the garden before being arrested.  Families will be notified as to when these liturgies are taking place and family members are most welcome to attend. 

On Thursday 28 March at 9.10 am the whole school will gather in the Hub to reflect on the Stations of the Cross, the events of Good Friday. Everyone is welcome to attend and reflect upon what Jesus experienced from his arrest until he died on the cross.