Recently, all Year 9 French students had the opportunity to visit Roule Galette in Carnegie, a creperie filled with wonderful Galettes and Crepes. Nestled in the heart of Carnegie, it was the perfect place to teach students how to order in French with the reward of delicious crepes.


All Year 9s had a great time, indulging in various flavours, such as ham and cheese, sugar and lemon, and the fan-favourite sugar and nutella. This golden-brown delicacy came in savoury and sweet, and luckily the Year 9s got to experience the taste of both.

Overall, our class trip to Roule Galette was a fantastic experience. The combination of a welcoming atmosphere, outstanding service, and delectable crepes made for a memorable day. It was a great way to bond as a class and enjoy a delicious meal, as well as reinforcing our French skills in a live atmosphere. Thank you Madame Lynd for organising the events and Mesdames Howard, Gomez, Remont and Dickson for accompanying the classes.


Zak Dakis, Year 9 



This term, we have been dealing with two main topics, where people live and about the food that we eat. Students learnt in what area and in what kind of housing they live, as well as being able to talk about themselves and their housing situation: what their rooms look like, what kind of furniture they have and where the furniture is situated in a room. They also learnt to say what they like to do around the house. This was part of the learning task.


The second topic was about Food and Drinks, with topics ranging from what kind of food one can get in what kind of shops or places. We have also talked about at what time of the day one eats certain foods and how often these foods are consumed. Students are also able to describe certain foods, what these taste like and if certain foods are healthy or unhealthy. 


We also talked about several grammar parts, like word order and articles, how these can change when used either as a subject or as an object. There were lots of verbs and nouns to be learnt, mainly the main essential ones to be able to form all the sentences for our activities, which we greatly enjoyed!!!!!


Guten Appetit !!!  Das war toll !!!!!!


Man soll jeden Tag viel Obst essen und viel Wasser trinken !!!!! Das ist ein guter Tipp!!!!!



The Year 9s have been dealing with several topics from writing a recipe of one’s favourite food, using the imperative for giving advice or commands. Another topic was talking about media, new and old technology, leading to our project about making our own short social media ad, promoting a sustainable gift for a friend. Here, we focused more into detail on the imperative again and about the techniques and skills for making a short movie, working together as a team and following guidelines and meeting criteria for completing the task.


As part of the annual competition organised by the AGTV (Association of German Teachers in Victoria), four short movies will be submitted for the competition. How exciting!!!!!


Below, you can find a couple of ‘Screenshots’ taken from the movie samples students engaged in, with the SLOGAN  ‘together for a sustainable future’, ‘gemeinsam für eine nachhaltige Zukunft’.

A reusable cup with an amazing design!
Student saving a bottle from ending up in the landfill, before the bottle was reused for a play spaceship!
Student explains the dire situation about overflowing landfills! We need a change!!!
Student in action after deciding that a single use water bottle could be repurposed.
A reusable cup with an amazing design!
Student saving a bottle from ending up in the landfill, before the bottle was reused for a play spaceship!
Student explains the dire situation about overflowing landfills! We need a change!!!
Student in action after deciding that a single use water bottle could be repurposed.


Auf Wiedersehen !!!!!


Andreas Helmich

German Teacher


Year 11 - 12 Written Assessments Results

We are pleased to announce that we have received the results for the 2024 Berthe Mouchette Competition written assessments. We are incredibly proud of our Years 11 and 12 students for their dedication and effort in preparing for the exams. The results have been emailed individually to each student.


A special congratulations to the following students who have made it to the finals, taking place on Sunday 15 September:


Year 11

  • Amelie Hicks
  • Gwendolyn Thiere

Year 12

  • Sofia Atchison

We wish them the best of luck in the finals! Well done to all participants for their hard work and achievements.


Cedric Chamontin

French Teacher


Spanish is moving up the ranks, and next year (2025) we will have our first Year 10 class from those students who began  their studies in Year 7. In 2026, we will be offering VCE Units 1 and 2, and in the following year, VCE Units 3 and 4. This means that students who wish to choose Spanish as an accelerated subject in Year 10 will be able to do so from 2026 onwards.

Jennifer Lynd

Languages Learning Area Manager