Our students in VCE Applied Computing have just commenced their Innovative Solutions SAC. This SAC is a group assessment that provides students with an opportunity to work collaboratively and the freedom to bring a unique idea of theirs to life. 


Students will first come up with a unique idea to solve a problem or address a need using an emerging technology as a base. Then the students will spend several weeks following the Problem-solving Methodology to research, analyse, design, develop and evaluate their idea. Students will gain valuable insight into what it’s like working in a team for a big project where they will need to delegate roles and tasks amongst themselves. 


VCE Applied Computing is a great choice for students who have a keen interest in Programming, Data Analysis, Networks or Cyber Security. Students who have completed any of the Year 10 Information Systems, Information Technology or Introduction to Engineering subjects will build on the skills and knowledge learnt in those subjects. 


Students who complete VCE Applied Computing have the option of moving on to either VCE Data Analytics or VCE Software Development. These subjects are great for any students who may want to pursue careers in Data Analysis, Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, Project Management, Business Management and many more!


Enver Bise

IT Teacher


Late this term, our Applied Computing class started our new collaborative SAC where we would learn how to work cooperatively in teams of three to produce a new innovative solution, integrating new technology to design a new product, prototype or proof of concept depending on the complexity of our solution. 


My group in particular, consisting of myself and fellow classmates Jacob Georgiou and Nathan Pong, are currently working on producing a “Smart Dog Collar” allowing pet owners the opportunity to wirelessly track their own dogs' fitness and health. It will help owners ensure their beloved pet is receiving enough physical exercise, varying based on their age and breed. 


Integrated with this design will be a mobile app containing a regional and international leaderboard, allowing dogs of similar breeds to compete against each other to be the fittest dogs around. Our design even has prospects for owners to collect “Dog points” when they take their pets out on walks. Owners can use these points to cash in discounts at pet stores, encouraging active use of the collar and supporting applications. 


As of writing, our group is currently surveying and collecting data on whether the general populous would like the idea of our product and to receive some early constructive criticism which we can implement into our final solution. 


Additionally, we’ve started our first initial designs of our product using a program called ‘Tinkercad’ which can be previewed in our newsletter. 

Our group is working very hard and diligently to design a noteworthy product and are passionate about designing an awesome solution which may benefit dog owners in the near future! 


I’d like to express my gratitude to Mr Bise and Ms Lee for designing such a fantastic and exciting SAC.

Cayden Li, Year 11