From the Principal

Lisa Goldsworthy



Harmony Week


I had the pleasure of leading the whole school in worship on Wednesday morning as we discussed Harmony Week and what this means. The week is an opportunity to celebrate and recognise our diversity and bring Australians together from all different backgrounds. We spoke about our stories, where we’ve come from and how we should be proud of our history. The children participated in multiage groups to complete activities to learn more about each other. Thanks to Ms Maloney and The SRC for setting this up.  


I shared a Bible reading John 13 34-35: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”


Click on the link below if you’re interested to watch a video I shared explaining what Harmony Week is all about.



NAIDOC Week and Reconciliation Week


Early next term we will send out invitations to our community for people who are interested in helping with the planning for these significant events in Term 2. We have had some very engaging and enriching NAIDOC Weeks, and we would like our community to join with us this year to make the event even better. Stay tuned for more information. 




This Sunday, around the world, Christians begin a pilgrimage that marks the beginning of Holy Week, the most sacred time in the year.


It starts with Jesus riding a donkey down the Mount of Olives, and the Gospel of Mark invites us to see him entering the city of Jerusalem at the head of a great procession of Jewish pilgrims that arrive on the first day of Passover. They shout: “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!”


The Holy Week and Easter story is not the end of a journey—even though it may feel like that as we approach it, almost at the end of term and the end of our southern summer season, rather another example of God's love for us.   We wish our families that are travelling safe travels and those staying in town we hope you enjoy the family time. 


Lastly many thanks to our staff who continually go above and beyond to put your child at the centre of all they do, sometimes to the detriment of their families and their personal time. We thank them for the mammoth effort that has borne fruit in the social, emotional, and academic growth of the children. I am so proud, particularly of the growth in literacy data this term and the efforts of the children. 




Mrs Lisa Goldsworthy