Principal, Kerry Manders

 Dear Parents and Carers,

We are at the end of another exciting term, and it is timely as we move to the holidays that I offer sincere thanks and gratitude for those special people in our community.  I want to thank the students and staff who have contributed so much to making this school such a wonderful and inspiring place this term.  


Thank you to the students and families across the College who have supported Caritas in raising well needed funds for Project Compassion.  


I want to also thank our amazing teachers who have persevered to look after students’ learning and, each of our middle leaders who have supported both students and staff this term.  


As we look back across the term, I am grateful for the College Leadership Team who have also driven the settled start we have had this year. 

College Updates:

This term, across the College community, we have again had our share of change and illness:  


Deputy Principal: 

I congratulate James Roberts, our Deputy Principal, on his appointment as Principal at St Joseph’s School, Parramatta Park. 


Assistant Principal - Administration:

I would like to sincerely thank Daniel Krause, who in James' absence, set us up for a settled and organised start to the year. Daniel worked tirelessly across the last two terms but has chosen to return to his substantive position as Head of Arts.  We look forward to welcoming John Cahill into this role.


Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning: 

Janelle Santolin will be on leave for Term 2, Janet Ross has agreed to step forward into this role for another term.  I thank Janet for her willingness, work ethic and resilience to support our College.  


Term 2 Leadership Team: 

Principal: Kerry Manders

Acting Deputy Principal - Identity and Outreach: Andrea O’Grady

Acting Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning: Janet Ross

Assistant Principal - Junior Secondary: Leah McBryde

Assistant Principal - Senior Secondary: Justin Brennan

Acting Assistant Principal – Administration: John Cahill

Business Manager: Christina Spillane


I've read articles from across the world where change breathes new life into communities, I know that this is the focus for our community. I can assure you that our Leadership Team and College staff are working on this year’s goals of: high expectations, challenge and support for all in equal measure, and celebrate and unite St Mary’s Team.  We certainly have much to celebrate across this term, and particularly the faith, hope and love within our community.


Staffing Updates - Retirements:

We farewelled some longstanding members of staff, this term:

Mrs Janet Woodrow: Tuckshop Convenor

Mrs Ronda Wallwork: Library Aide  

We sincerely thank both ladies for their contributions to our community and we wish them the very best in their retirement. 



 It is with excitement we farewell the following ladies as they move to parental leave and welcome their bundles of joy, we wish them both well:

Mrs Natalie Wilson: Leader of Pedagogy 

Mrs Candice Kelly: Enrolments Officer 


Luke Pickup: INTAD Aide has also moved on to the next phase of his working life. 



St Mary’s is a college of welcome and we are excited to welcome the following people into our community and for some existing members of our community into new roles:

Ling Magill: Library Aide

Katie O’Donnell: Leader of Pedagogy

Maddie Byrnes: Head of Religion for Term 2

Georgia Toor-Wilson: English & Humanities teacher

Kellie Wilson: Tuckshop Convenor

Trisha Stroud: Enrolments Officer

Jenna Murray: Head of Humanities

Jack Woods-Austin: Grounds & Maintenance Officer


Carmel Laycock: Arts Aide. 

Easter Reflection:

At this time of year we look to Jesus, our model for navigating life. We read the scriptures and hear about the lead up to Easter; we see how Jesus responded to a life of change and we gain a good understanding of how we too can respond too.  


Jesus took time out for prayer and reflection. He connected with nature in a garden even in his last hours and he called on God for support.  He prayed. This showed his faith.  So too, for us despite all that happens can look to prayer and reflection in our faith as our strength.  


Jesus shared with his friends and family.  He offered wisdom, showed compassion even for those who were against him. We read the story of Peter acting aggressively to the high priest’s servant, cutting off his ear (Luke 22:49-51).  Jesus’ response was to heal the injured man. This is an act of service.  We can learn that despite our stress and unease we can always care for those around us and be people of healing.  And when we are people who bring healing to others we work in hope  


Jesus endured the horror of crucifixion, beatings and derision on Good Friday, yet in his last moments he asked for forgiveness on those who had perpetrated this horror. He showed absolute courage.  And then, in his very last moments, in an act of great hope, he offered his soul to God.  He said “Father! In your hands I place my spirit!” (Luke 23:46)


In the lead up to Easter, we reflect on the model that Jesus showed us to when we encounter all that life throws at us. Our response must be clear for all to see centered on:

Finding strength in our faith

Finding courage and hope to persevere  

Finding compassion and healing in life lived in love.


I send you many blessings of faith, hope and love this week and may the gifts of the risen Lord be with you this Easter.


God bless



Kerry Manders                                                   
