Wellbeing - Middle School

Post Easter Reflection
It was wonderful to be able to spend some time with family over the long weekend, and I’m sure it was the same for you. When I was quite young, I didn’t really think much more of Easter than being a time of excessive amounts of chocolate, hot cross buns, and a lot of days off school, despite frequenting church. Well, how I now see it as so much more.
At Easter, we remember the love Christ showed mankind when he gave the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf. He is risen from the dead, so we truly have reason to celebrate. It should by no means be the only time in which we show our gratitude. After all, let’s not forget that this holiday always changes dates within our modern calendar, and serves as a reminder to us that the essence of Easter is not exclusive to one single day.
Christ's resurrection gives us a reason to live not only for today, but to provide us with hope in our future, regardless of the difficulties we face. And we all face varying degrees of difficulties at differing stages of our life. So, Easter is about our faith, our family and love. It is a time of togetherness and reflection and a time for us to be grateful for the positivity we have around us. And I hope you and your sons have had this time to reflect also.
So let us all be reminded, that through Christ, we do not need to worry or be afraid. If Jesus, who we have a personal relationship with, can conquer death, then what do we need to worry about? At every chance I get when addressing the students, I encourage them to call on Jesus. If we continue to lean into Jesus, we can establish a sense of resilience, patience, gratitude, and service which can only be of benefit for us and those in our College community.
Alexandros Sinadinos
Director of Middle school