Scotsburn News

Important Dates
World Harmony Day - Everyone Belongs Special Breakfast Club | Thursday 21st March 8:45am |
Scotsburn Assemblies (3pm) | Thursday 28th March (2pm) |
Whole School Assemblies @ Buninyong (9am) | Friday 22nd March |
NAPLAN (Grade 3 and 5) | Wednesday 13th March - Tuesday 19th |
Interhouse Cross Country | Friday 15th March |
Grade 6 Grand Prix Excursion | Friday 22nd March |
Last Day of Term 1 (2.30pm finish) | Thursday 28th March |
Scotsburn Bunjil Awards
A big Scotsburn congratulations to Zoe, Flynn, Florence and Wil B. You have all demonstrated wonderful school values and positivity around the campus. Well done!
World Harmony Day - A Taste of Harmony Breakfast Club
This Thursday as part of World Harmony Day, the Scotsburn has decided to hold “a Taste of Harmony” breakfast club. This once off special breakfast club will include some different dishes and tastes from around the world, promoting the theme of Everyone Belongs.
If you would like to bring in a breakfast dish to share, we would love as many different dishes as possible. To mark the occasion and make sure all students can be involved, this week breakfast club will run from 8:45am - 9:15am.
We can’t wait for the yummy breakfast!
A huge congratulations to our Grade 3s and 5s for participating in the NAPLAN assessments over the past week. Apart from a couple of catch ups, all students have completed their assessments. The positive mindset to give their best efforts was evident each and every day, which was so pleasing to see. Individual student NAPLAN reports will be sent home later in the year. Well done to all students involved.
Buninyong Primary School Cross Country Day
Another wonderful effort was shown by all Scotsburn students last Friday at the whole school Cross Country event. The support for each other was clear to see, and we certainly had some hidden long distance running talents!
Scotsburn Assembly - next Thursday 28th March
Next Thursday we will hold an end of term Scotsburn assembly. This will be a great way to round out the term and celebrate all of our wonderful achievements so far this year. Due to the earlier 2:30pm finish, assembly will take place at 2pm in the shed.
Bring Your Bike to School Day - Thursday 28th March
On the last day of term, Scotsburn will also hold their own version of “Ride to School Day”. Given that our location makes it extremely difficult to ride to school, we will hold a Scotsburn “Bring Your Bike to School Day”. This will involve students bringing their bikes into school in the morning, where we will store them in the shed. We will then get them out for some laps around the campus track.
A reminder that being the last day of term, bikes will need to be picked up at the end of the day, otherwise they will be locked in the shed for the holidays. For those that are unable to bring their bike in for the day, we will have an alternate activity planned during the riding session.
Grade 6 Grand Prix Excursion
A reminder that our Grade 6 girls will be attending the Australian Formula One Grand Prix at Albert Park in Melbourne, this Friday 22nd March. Students will attend the event via bus leaving from Buninyong at 8am. Please be at the Buninyong campus by 7:45am. This event will be full school uniform, including a school hat. Students should also have a packed lunch and water bottle, and are permitted to bring up to $20 spending money should they wish.
Term 1 Reading Night Award
The countdown is on!!!! So many of our students have already made the reading challenge for Term 1. Well done to these superstars! Next Thursday, on the last day of school, we will be celebrating with a pizza lunch. We would love for all our students to reach the 25-night reading goal. We really appreciate all the parent support received this term.
SC1 Learning Snapshot
What an amazing effort by all of our Cross Country runners on Friday! Well done SC1! Ballarat Marathon here we come!
In Integrated, we have been learning about the different seasons, and understanding there are different seasons in different parts of Australia and the world. We have also been learning about different materials and how some things are natural and some things are made. Students had to classify different objects and materials.
‘How many bugs can a Bug Catcher catch, if a Bug Catcher could catch bugs?’ In Maths this week we have moved on to understanding and learning about addition. Students participated in a game called ‘Bug Catcher’ allowing them to practise their number facts from 1-10 or 1-20. They have been doing an amazing job, with some students extending their understanding of 10 facts to work out larger addition facts.
In English, we started learning a new sound of /ee/ and how this sound can be spelt in different ways. This will continue to be our focus until the end of the term. Students also finished their procedures, writing about making Wombat Stew. They all did an excellent job!
Have a lovely week.
Ana and Kirsty
SC2 Learning Snapshot
What a few weeks we have had! Between NAPLAN, Athletics, Cross Country and assemblies, we don’t think we could have been much busier. Somewhere in between all of this, SC2 have managed to complete lots of class tasks and learning, including their amazing work on their hybrid aquatic animals.
Heading towards the end of term, this learning is starting to really come together, including their hybrid animal narrative stories, their hybrid dioramas as homework, and their hybrid animal presentations. It will be brilliant to see all this work come together to be presented next week.
In Maths, SC2 have continued to develop their skills and knowledge of area and perimeter, also developing their multiplication automaticity at the same time. The application of this work this week is to design a city landscape. We will extend this to a 3-dimensional model next week and add in the concept of volume.
We are also excited for our Grade 6 girls who are heading off to the Grand Prix on Friday - have an awesome time. What an experience!
See you all during the week,
Jarrod and Liz
Scotsburn Intercampus Travel At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day. We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher. |
Staff Contacts
Mr Morgan:
Mrs Anderson:
Mrs Robinson:
Mrs Morgan:
Ms Middlin:
The Scotsburn Team