Teaching and Learning

Our Year 3 and 5 students across both campuses have completed the four NAPLAN tests over the last fortnight. We will continue to run some catch up sessions throughout the second half of this week for any students who missed a test.
It was a credit to all involved how smoothly the process ran and we thank all teachers, parents and carers for the part you played in contributing to this.
We will receive results late next term or early term 3 and will share those with our key stakeholders and broader school community at that time.
Parents and carers of Year 3 and 5 students who participated in NAPLAN will receive hard copies of your child’s NAPLAN report later in the year. These will be sent home when they are available and it is important that they are stored for your future reference, as many secondary schools request NAPLAN reports from parents as part of their application process.
Planning Days
As is our routine towards the end of every term, classroom and specialist teachers are provided with a planning day with their teams to review student data and plan for next term’s student learning.
In order to do this, it means a slight change in the timetable for all students across the school at some stage over the next week. On these days students participate in a whole day of specialist classes whilst their usual classroom teacher/s is released to plan.
Please take note of the planning days below for each year level and remind your child/ren to bring their PE shoes on this day please.
- Thursday 21/3- Prep
- Friday 22/3- Grade 1 and Grade 2
- Monday 25/3- Grade 5/6
- Tuesday 26/3- Grade 3 and Grade 4
Early Literacy Information Session
Many thanks to those parents and carers who attended our Early Literacy Information Session last Friday morning , we appreciate your support and interest.
We understand that this time may not have been convenient for everyone and we will look to offer the session again early next term…please keep an eye on the newsletter and Compass for further information.
Many thanks to Mrs. Jess Micallef who facilitated this session and provided very useful and practical advice related to the current teaching of early literacy at BPS as well as an insight for helping children at home.
If you attended the session and have not yet received the session resources via email, please contact Nicole Phillips and I will arrange to have them sent to you nicole.phillips@education.vic.gov.au