Engagement & Wellbeing

School Presentation (School Anxiety / School Refusal)
The purpose of this presentation is to provide our families with some practical tips/hints that could be implemented to support their littles ones through school anxiety or in some cases, school refusal. These practical strategies have been created using advice from the Department of Education, recommendations from private psychologists and also from first-hand experience of supporting families through this process over several years. Unfortunately, there is no 'golden ticket' strategy, and at times it can be a long journey. However, early identification of 'warning signs' and early intervention with supports can provide a greater chance to get on top of things and have success.
While school anxiety and school refusal are different, these behaviours can overlap so we thought a presentation that covers elements of both would be beneficial.
Presentation Link- School Refusal/ Anxiety Presentation (Buninyong Primary School)
This could be a great resource to share with others who are struggling with some of these behaviours. We know it can be a really challenging and fatiguing period for everyone involved, so we hope that there could be one or two helpful resources you might be able to walk away with. The presentation goes for around 30mins, so feel free to skip forward through parts- or just have it playing in the background as you are cooking tea or doing some chores around the house.
It is important to remember through this presentation, that my background is in teaching- not psychology. So, if you feel as though things are not progressing for your little one at home, I’d always recommend reaching out for external support through your GP/paediatrician/psychologist as they are the experts in this field.
The presentation will cover the following:
- What is school refusal?
- What can the school do to support?
- What are some practical strategies that we can implement here at school?
- What are some practical strategies you can implement at home?
- Where can you go if you are still needing support?
As mentioned in the presentation, if you are struggling with getting your child into school each morning, or you are beginning to notice some of the ‘warning signs’ of refusal then get in touch with your classroom teacher and look to lock in a meeting.
If you have any questions about what has been presented, then don’t hesitate to reach out and get in touch with me at Jarrod.Rodgers@education.vic.gov.au.
It really does take a village to raise a child and it’s no different when working with a student going through school anxiety or refusal, but please know we are here to support!
Thanks, Jarrod & The Wellbeing Team
Bunjil Student Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a 3-6 Bunjil Award at last week’s assembly! Bunjil awards recognise student achievement and those who display our school values of being respectful, responsible and kind.
They will have a hot chocolate or zooper dooper with a principal on Friday.
National Ride to School Day
Excursion Deadlines - Payment & Consent
While at times we have been flexible in the past with deadlines for excursion consent and payment, moving forward, we wish to inform you that this will no longer be possible.
The Department of Education requires schools to plan for and safely undertake activities as outlined in the Excursion policy.
As part of our ongoing commitment to student safety and to ensure the successful and safe operation of our activities, all consent forms and payments are to be received by the specified deadline.
Unfortunately, students who miss the due date will be unable to participate.
We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and if you require financial assistance or support, please contact the school office, before the specified deadline, to discuss available options.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school office.