Important Dates

Add these to your calendar! 



Remember to like and follow us on Facebook  





Please ensure that all student absences are reported to the school prior to 9am on the day they are absent. 

This can be done by:

Please note second-hand uniform can be purchased from the office for $5 a piece. 

Thank you to the families that have been so kind with donations this year! 

Term 1 Family Event Calendar

 Tuesday 19thNAPLAN- Numeracy test (Gr3&5)
 Wednesday 20thNAPLAN- catch up tests (Gr3&5)
 Thursday 21st

NAPLAN- catch up tests (Gr3&5)


Bakers Delight hot cross bun fundraiser delivery 

 Friday 22nd

NAPLAN- catch up tests (Gr3&5) 

Gr6 Grand Prix *

Regional Swimming


Gluten free hot cross bun fundraiser delivery 

 Monday 25thDistrict Athletics (qualifying students) (TBC) 
 Thursday 28thLast day of term 2:30 dismissal
 Friday 29thGood Friday

Term 1 Family Event Calendar


 Friday 22ndWhole School Assembly

Term Dates

Term 1, 2024Last day of Term 1, 28th March - 2.30pm dismissal
Term 2, 202415 April - 28 June
Term 3, 202415 July - 20 September
Term 4, 20247 October - 20 December