Learning Space News

Year 5/6
Meet the Year 5/6 Team
Back row, left to right: Rachel Hastings (Learning Specialist), Lisa Franklin, Jordyn Halliwell and Patrick Calvett
Front row, left to right- Ashlee Coleman, Sarah Salt and Amie Bishop (Team Leader)
Absent: Megan Rose
Students are exploring narrative and persuasive text types. They have identified specific features, techniques and language that is used and applied this to their own writing pieces. Students have used modelled texts to guide their own innovation of writing and developed their fluency and comprehension when reading a range of text types.
Students have been developing their knowledge and understanding of place value and the properties of numbers. They have been learning about how data can be collected and presented in different graphs and tables. Students have been participating in hands-on activities to develop their understanding of length and apply this to calculating the area and perimeter of different shapes.
Our school captains attended the GRIP Leadership conference to explore ways that everyone can be a leader and make a difference. With the skills and knowledge they learnt, they have delivered lessons and suggestions to their peers about how individuals can have a positive impact on the ARPS community.
As part of this term's Inquiry unit, the students
participated in a hands-on incursion delivered by the Parliament of Victoria. They were immersed in the topic of ‘Passing a bill’, allowing them to gain a broader understanding of how laws are made in Victoria. Following this experience, the students have developed a Google Site to elaborate on their understandings of the different levels of Government and the roles they play in our society.
Interschool Sports
Year 6 students have been busy learning the rules and skills they need to be ready to compete against neighbouring schools for their chosen sport at the beginning of Term 2. They are learning positions, relevant skills and how to use this in game play.
Year 5 students have been developing their strength, agility, balance and coordination through focussed activities.