From the Principal's Office

Mr Chad Harris

New Playground

Work on the Special Playground Area (SPA) is nearly complete. The area contains an in ground trampoline, a tunnel to run over and crawl through, a giant sandpit and three spinning pods. The outside of the area has a bike track for some additional adventures. The surface is covered with rubber rocks to minimise any damage from little falls.


This area is used as an outside teaching environment to help develop social skills such as turn taking, parallel play, sharing and a safe place to “blow off steam”. The area will be covered by a giant shade sail, which should be installed over the coming months.


This space is used by students across the school and is a valuable teaching resource. Thank you to the P&C for securing a government grant to fund this area.


End of Term

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your on-going support across the term. Our focus remains on improving the learning outcomes for all our students in a rich and nurturing environment. I would encourage everyone who has any questions or concerns, no matter how small, to contact the class teacher in the first instance. The assistant principal of the grade is also available to work through any issues. If you feel that your issue has not been resolved, then please make an appointment to see me. We don’t get it right all the time, but we are open to constructive feedback and are focused on strengthening the connections between school and home.


Please have a safe holiday with your family. We are excited for what Term 2 has to offer and look forward to having students return on Tuesday 30th April. Take care.