Date Claimers

28th Emus/Kookies Cross Country
28th Last day of term
15th First day Term 2
20th Flu vaccine clinic
20th Memorial for Grant (Porky) Borchardt @ Sports Club
23rd Anzac Ceremony at school
24th T&D Cross Country @ The Gums
25th Public Holiday for Anzac Day
There will be a celebration of Grant (Porky) Borchardt's life at the Moonie Sports Club on Saturday 20th April. Please see below
Flu vaccine clinic – Moonie State School – Saturday 20th April (more details to follow)
Tuckshop Weekly Special
Tuckshop - Fridays Morning Tea 10.30am
Please be at Tuckshop by by 9.30AM
Lunch 12.30PM
There will be no orders for morning tea. Children will just pay at the counter. If you could please supply something for morning tea on the day you are rostered, it would be greatly appreciated.
Please find a replacement if you are unable to make it on the day.
After the folding of the Moonie Visual Arts Group last year, there was still money left in kitty. A decision was made to donate the money to the Cancer Ward at St. Andrews Hospital.
They are going to use it for much need equipment. Attached is the thank you letter from St. Andrews.