Principal's Address

Hello and welcome to the final newsletter for Term 1.
What a wonderful term we have all had? Whilst it has gone very quickly, we managed to engage in excellent learning opportunities, excursions, camps and sports activities.
I would like to thank my wonderful staff who always go above and beyond for the students and each other. It is a privilege to work with an amazing group of people. Thank you must also go to the parents of our students who are so supportive and work with the school to improve outcomes for their children.
This term we have been lucky enough to be invited to the RTC on two occasions for a seed workshop and an Easter hat making workshop. Thank you to the ladies for these wonderful opportunities. We value our visits and time with you at the RTC.
Thank you to Miss Cass who is leaving us at the end of this term. She has been an asset to Moonie State School whilst Miss Bry has been on leave. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
Due to the weather, we have decided to postpone the cross country this Thursday 28th March. The new date is Friday 19th April, which is the first Friday in Term 2.
Visit by Deadly Australians
Sausage Sizzle
As a thank you to the students for the effort, behaviour and learning this term I will be providing a sausage sizzle for the students at lunch time on Thursday. Please pack morning tea and extra lunch if your child doesn't eat sausages.
Year 6 Leadership Camp Photos
Have a safe Easter break, I look forward to seeing you all in Term 2.
Until next time,