Grade 4 Community News

It is unbelievable how quickly Term 1 is passing by. Our Grade 4 students have been working extremely hard towards achieving their learning goals.
4A – Mrs Rickerby
Hello! I am the PLC leader for our amazing grade four cohort. This is my fourth year of teaching at Tarneit Rise Primary School. My first two years I was a prep teacher and now I am very excited to be teaching grade four a second time. The best thing I love about teaching is the relationships that I form with my students. I want all students to feel empowered every day to take on new challenges and develop a lifelong love for learning. When I am not teaching, I love to read and travel around Australia with my husband and three children. I have included a photo of my dogs, Cookie and Trixie, enjoying the beach at Hervey Bay, Queensland over the summer holiday. We have an amazing cohort of teachers and students in grade 4 and I am very much looking forward to a fantastic year ahead.
4E – Mrs Nikita
Hi! My name is Nikita Nikita and the students call me Mrs Nikita. This is my fifth year teaching at Tarneit Rise Primary School. I was a Grade 2 teacher for three years and this is my second time teaching Grade 4. I thoroughly enjoy connecting with my students at a personal level and ensure they all continue developing skills required to be a lifelong learner. I am very passionate about cooking, and I get that from my dad. I live with my husband and we both enjoy travelling together.
We have started our literature unit to analyse our serial text ‘Birrung, the Secret Friend’ and we will be continuing that over the next couple of weeks. This unit will include our students’ knowledge about Captain James Cook and the First Fleet to make connections to the world. The students carried out an author study to learn how experiences can influence people’s choices. In the coming weeks, they will be analysing different themes from the book, such as hunger, love, friendship, racism, etc. to strengthen their comprehension of the text using ‘Read, Write, Discuss, and Build Up On’ cycle to answer questions. The students have enjoyed reading ‘Birrung, the Secret Friend’ by Jackie French, and their vocabulary words will continue coming out of this text.
In our writing lessons, we have started our new unit of Historical Narratives. The students were exposed to different mentor texts of historical narratives to annotate structure and language features of the writing piece. They also unpacked the student-friendly rubric to self-assess their writing and use their voice to determine their learning goals. In the coming lessons, students will be learning specific skills to write their own historical narratives using the ’Narrative Hill’ graphic organiser. The students will also be focusing on language features such as descriptive language, adverbs of time and place, personification, hyperbole, etc. to further expand on their ideas.
In our Maths unit, we have started Fractions as our new topic. The students have been learning topic specific vocabulary to strengthen their understanding of fractions. They have also been learning about equivalent fractions and how to continue the pattern of fractions using concrete materials, such as, fraction walls and representations of those fractions. In the coming weeks, students will be learning to count by halves, quarters and thirds, including mixed numerals and locate these on number lines.
In Term 1 and Term 4, all students must have a Tarneit Rise hat to wear at snack and lunch. Hats are available to purchase from the office if your child needs one.
Essential Assessment Platform
We would like to remind families that they are able to access apps at home through the Essential Assessment Platform. All students have their login for Essential Assessment and can use apps like Sunset Maths and Jetpack Algebra when at home if they choose to. We ask that students do not complete assessments or MyNumeracy tasks at home.
School Holidays
Thursday, 28th March 2024 will be a Pupil Free Day and the Term holidays will start from 29th March 2024 and we will see students back at school on 15th April 2024. Have a safe holiday!
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.