Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 Families,
These past two weeks Grade 3 students have begun learning about new topics in reading, writing and maths. NAPLAN assessment period opened during week 7 and the students have shown great endeavour in their approach to these tasks. Please remember to bring charged iPads to school, with headphones if they do not have the headphone jax to suit the school provided headphones. Remember that the best preparation is a good night’s sleep.
In Reading, we have begun our second Read2learn unit of the year with non-fiction texts focussing on Rivers. During this unit, students will expand their learning across the globe learning key information about major rivers of the world and how they have supported human life through history. Feel free to engage in discussions with your Grade 3 students if you would like to learn more about rivers!
In writing, the students have finished our persuasive unit where students used persuasive techniques in order to gain the support of the reader of their writing pieces. This process has been helping them prepare for the NAPLAN writing test. This week we have been looking at the features of explanation texts. The students have been focussing on explaining how and why events occur and things happen.
In maths, we have continued learning about time. This unit has incorporated both analogue and digital times. Students have been exposed to using the terms ‘quarter past, half past, quarter to and o’clock’. This learning has been focused around using manipulatives, written and spoken form of representing different times throughout the day.
Here are some students representing their learning using digital technologies in the classroom!
Here are some examples of how students have used digital technologies to support their understandings of ‘past’ and ‘to’ the hour.
Morphology/ Vocabulary
Week 7 has brought our first morphology unit of 2024. This week we have focussed on the suffix ‘ment’ and ‘less’, for example, arguMENT and fearLESS. This unit enables explicit teaching of the suffix rules and how it changes verbs and nouns culminating in a ‘dictogloss’ on Friday allowing the students to display their learning. Week 8’s vocabulary words are Tilt, Chuckle, Content, Placid and Bicker. Please discuss these words with your Grade 3 students to learn definitions, synonyms and antonyms.