Prep Community News

Dear Prep Families,
Thank you all for another amazing two weeks. We have had the best time learning new things at school and we can’t believe the term is nearly finished! The preps have had a great first term and have showed incredible growth each day. Let’s have a look at what the preps have learnt:
In writing we have continued to learn how to write letters correctly and say the sounds they make. We have now learnt the letters t, p, c and i. We have also learnt new words that begin with these sounds.
In writing we have also learnt positional writing. This is when we practise sticking our sentences on the line. This helps us know which way we need to write our sentences on the line as well as where we need to start writing.
In reading, we’ve continued to retell short texts, identifying the character, problem, feeling, action and solution. It has been amazing to listen to the students retell their texts and remember so much information. We have also begun identifying the features of text. This includes identifying the front cover, title, author, title page and spine. We are also learning where we begin reading on the page and which direction we read. This past week, the students were introduced to their first pocket rocket and had a go at reading words with the sounds they have learnt. Their first pocket rocket was called ‘Pat’. Already we have some superstar readers!
In maths this week we have practised forming numbers from 1-20 correctly. The students have had a go at starting from the top and making sure their numbers are the right way around. This week we are also learning how to subitise. Subitising is when students are able to identify how many are in a collection without counting.
Other Areas:
The students have participated in multiple incursions these past weeks. Bravehearts was a fun incursion where students were able to learn about ‘yes’ and ‘no’ feelings and how they should run and tell someone if they are feeling a ‘no’ feeling. We also had a STEM incursion where the students were able to learn about the wind. In this incursion the students were able to blow bubbles and make windsocks. We had so much fun!
- Take Home Reading: please support your child to bring their reading bag on their allocated day so that their teacher can check their nights of reading in their reading journal. We have some students who are so close to receiving their first reading certificate for 25 nights of reading!!
- Please ensure that Sip n Crunch containers contain cut up fruit that is separate from their lunchbox and students should only be drinking water at school.
- Hats are compulsory in Term 1 and 4. Please ensure your child has a hat that is labelled clearly with their name.