French News

Bonjour Parents and Students!
C’est presque la fin de terme 1! It’s almost the end of term 1!
Prep students have been learning the days of the week and colours in French. Students explore these topics by listening to songs and attempting to re-create the sounds in French. If you have a few spare minutes at home, explore the YouTube links listed below. Grade 1 students are displaying their knowledge of what they’ve learnt this term by completing an oral assessment with their teacher.
Grade 2 students have been working on naming some emotions in French. Students practiced these emotions with classmates by acting out an emotion and having their partner guess the emotion in French. Students also learned about shapes in French. They assessed their knowledge by playing bingo. Grade 3 students have worked on practicing and asking what the day is in French. They used their prior knowledge of French numbers and months to answer questions. Students also practiced writing sentences to describe the weather.
Grade 4 students looked at the movie Ratatouille in French to learn about characters, key words, and emotions in French such as friend, brother, and discouraged. They also explored imperative verbs by looking at a recipe. Students in grade 5 and 6 explored different sports and hobbies in French. They practiced writing sentences using the verbs play and do, drawing on their knowledge of days of the week and time of day in French.
Please note: If your child is new to learning French or just would like to practice the basics, follow the links below so that they can practice at home!
Alphabet song –
Number song -
Color song -
Days of the week -
Months of the year -
À bientôt!
The French Specialist Team