Principal's News

Kate Whitford


Dear Parents/Guardians, 


Big Week

What a way to finish off the term! 


On Monday we had 11 students compete at the division Athletics in Bendigo. Congratulations to Wil, Riley, Orly, Cooper, Zoe, Ariah, Seth and Chelsea, who now progress through to the Regional event on the 14th October. 


Student of the Term

Each Term the teaching teams sit down and decide on who should be awarded our Prep-2, Grade 3/4 and Grade 5/6 Student of the Term. This person is usually an  'All-rounder' who not only tries hard in the classroom but continually displays our school values. 

On Wednesday we held our Annual Health expo.  Students were given the opportunity to experience events and activities offered by clubs in our local area and try different ‘health foods’ options. A huge thank you to Mrs Mangan for organising this day and the staff for setting up and running the extra stalls.

Today 1/2 Trickey and 3/4 Irwin enjoyed their July & August attendance reward at the Paramount Cinema in Echuca and then a play in the park.


This afternoon we finished the day with our final Community clubs session for this term. We have had lots of fun during this round.


Tomorrow we finish off with a hot dog lunch and Footy colours (sports teams) dress up day. Students will be dismissed at 2:20pm.


Parent Opinion Survey - Raffle drawn

Congratulations to Amanda Holland who won the RBN raffle drawn at Assembly on Monday. A huge thank you to everyone who completed the survey. We had 42 parents log on! Once this information is provided to the school, the staff will go through the results and celebrate the successes and make plans to improve areas of concern.


SunSmart hats - Term 4

Rochester Primary School  is a Sun Smart School. All students need to have their school wide brimmed hat on to play outside at all times! Please dig out your child’s hat and make sure they have it in their bag and that it is labelled with their name ready for the first day back.


Classes 2025- Student Placements                                                                                                   Staff  will soon begin the conversations and work around class groupings for 2025. If your child will not be attending Rochester PS next year or you know of somebody who is yet to enrol could you please contact the office ASAPIf you have any specific requests regarding the placement of your child for 2025  please make contact to discuss before  Friday 25th  October. 


Progress Reports

Student progress reports will be live on XUNO today (Thursday 19th of September). If you require a printed copy please contact the office.


Monster Raffle: Please collect from office.

Raffle tickets are now available for our 'Rochester Primary School Monster Raffle'. Check out the great prizes up for grabs! Families are asked to collect a book to sell. These will be available for pick up from the office next week.  All funds raised will go towards supporting students, programs and activities at our school.



Thank to our staff, parents, volunteers and friends for the work you have all been involved in throughout this term, providing an endless list of opportunities for our students.  I hope you all enjoy a well deserved break and good luck to anyone who is playing in football/ netball finals or if you follow a team who is.


Kate Whitford